Are my Pekín ducks Both males?


Aug 31, 2023
I have two Pekín ducks.
Sunny (darker bill) and Toothless (lighter bill)
Tootless seems more like a female to sunny except when it comes to drake curl.

Toothless has a somewhat loud raspy quack
Very shy and soft compared to sunny.
Always has had a light colored bill (it as pink as a baby)
And is much smaller in size compared to Sunny.
Just also has a drake tail.

Here’s some pics for examples
Them a few months ago

Them more recently before bath time

I just want to know if he is really a she or if he is just basically a “bottom”
I cant clearly see their tails
maybe take another picture?
Or better yet if we could hear a video of them quacking
Post it on a platform like youtube and then paste the link here
they're adorable
I DO have a female. She’s a Muscovy. They just have no interest in any one or anything but themselves. The most “aggressive” that they’ve gotten is for a time Sunny would chase me and my toes and nibble them a little hard lol. Other than that they get along well they were all brought up together. And also do have a female just. No interest lol.
How old are the boys? It's a good thing they aren't interested in your Muscovy as large as they are. To make the ratio work you'd need at least 7 more girls If they are just starting into hormones you can bet next spring they will be interested in any females you have.
My boys if they begin acting like idiots and going after the females ganging up on her they will be in drake jail. Many on here that have 1 or multiple drakes have to remove their drake from the females if he is too rough on them.

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