Are people really this ignorant about chicken biology?

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I was not unobservant. I knew how dogs and humans mated - I wasn't born knowing that chickens work the same way.

I think sometimes people will grasp onto anything just to feel superior to others.

It is the superiority thing. I bet those "stupid RN's" have little tidbits of info that others have NO clue about hence making the RN's think the same thing as the OP. We aren't all on the same level with what information we have and/or retain. Doesn't make us stupid.

I'm kinda thinking that nurses focus on 'human' anatomy and biology primarily....? AT least if I am ever hospitalized I want my nurse to know about humans. Things I don't want to hear in the hospital.... "Ma'am open your beak, I need to take your temperature." "Is your crop empty?"
"At what age did you lay your first egg?"
I think that this whole discussion just proves how far most people are from the farm these days. Recently, I found out that less than 20% of americans live in rural areas. So for the other 80% of americans who live in the suburbs or city the only way they would learn these things is through school. But many schools, even smaller more rural ones, do not have an ag class to teach about livestock and food. When I was in high school, my FFA chapter participated in Project RED or Rural Education Day. It was fun to teach cidy kids about where all their food comes from.
But dogs and chickens don't mate the same way. Dogs are similar to humans. Roosters don't have penis's. When they mate they are transferring sperm through contact vs depositing it.
I think it means they slept through health class and haven't yet taken Anatomy & Physiology. When they go through their OB/GYN rotation it should all come together for them
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Ignorance is only a bad thing if you choose to keep it. Having said that it is rather funny what some people think about things they have not been educated on. I once had a man come to buy chickens and in all seriousness he said that his white chicken at home lays white eggs and his red chicken lays red eggs so if he bought a black chicken from me would it lay a black egg? It was all I could do to not laugh
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