Are these all Cuckoo Marans?

Here's a side view. It's a little blurred. I'm not sure why she/he has such long feathers on the sides.

That's all girl, all the way. At 17 weeks a cockerel would have a huge comb, thick legs, and you'd have all the fancy tail feathers to boot. Might be a mix of breeds but definitely a girl.

Edited to add: I have a couple offspring that feathered out like that - not sure why either. Could be a function of the possible mixed breed side effect.
Have you taken them to their shrink to see if they are crazy! Like Me ! :D All joking aside they look like normal hatchery Cuckoo Marans . I raise Wheaten French Marans and I like this breed from Bev Davis line . They are nice looking birds that you have there ,even if they turned out to be barred rocks they are good layers also and I like them ,:old
Yes! She is probably part barred rock, part marans, but interestingly, she laid a couple of speckled eggs! dark brown spots on light brown egg. very pretty.

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