Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

I just want you to know that your posts are the joy of my morning routine! My hubby is worried that I want emus. As well he should be. But we don’t have pasture in this part of the country, only dry desert wasteland where nothing grows. I am living the emu dream thru you!!!!!! :hugs
Any more wiggling? Videos of wiggling? (No pressure)
Here you go! Even a bonus video of my daughter taking an egg lol

Goose charged and chest bumped her lol
So… I’m not sure I should leave eggs out there. Two reasons…

1. It’s going to get down to 29 and 30 degrees at night for this week. Not sure if this is going to ruin the egg for future incubating.

2. I saw Willy unintentionally sitting on the egg. Concerned she will accidentally start incubation, then just get up.

Thinking about bringing them inside and then bring all three out there on a weekend when I can keep an eye on them. I do believe Goose is a bit young and may not know what to do. But hey, I’ve only had two emus :idunno

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