Are These Girls Guys?

I've got cockerels from 4 months down in my grow-out pen, and I've just been hearing practice crowing the last 2ish weeks. Different birds start at different ages. I agree those are all cockerels, for the reasons nicely spelled out by Ol Grey Mare.
I've got cockerels from 4 months down in my grow-out pen, and I've just been hearing practice crowing the last 2ish weeks. Different birds start at different ages. I agree those are all cockerels, for the reasons nicely spelled out by Ol Grey Mare.
Yes thanks for all the help Ol Grey Mare!

I'm not sure what I'll do with all of them because I don't think anyone on will take them because they are mixed. I think I may have to "harvest" them.
I know I sure can't find any takers for mixed breed cockerels around here. Good thing we like chicken enchiladas
I sell my mixed breed roosters on Craigslist for 4.00 each and have at least 5 people respond every time I post an ad. They are not going as pets, but I don't have the time or inclination to harvest them myself so I will gladly take the 4.00.
Are you sure there is not a silkie in the mix, the poof on top of their head looks like my 3 did when they were 5-12 weeks old. I have 2 - 12 week old's who hatched from a Banty Broody Mama. Last week the one we knew was a roo started crowing, the same one had full waddles by 7 weeks. The other one looks like it's silkie grandpa, so I will have to wait to see what it will be. "No Name", is already doing the calling sound when food in put in their pen, to call his sibling over to eat. He also tried to mount one of my EE, who comes in to their pen to steal food. And he will challenge his Father & Uncle, if they get to close to the fence.

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