Are they ever going to lay, should I cull?

Lindsay, one of the issues with a bird reaching maturity (point of lay) right as day light starts decreasing is the risk that they may not lay this year. Of course, most first year gals will kick in, whether sporadically or full lay. Some may not. There's no way to know, but patience is a virtue. The girls will make it up to you in the long term. EEs were some of my best layers over the years. Hang on to them. Fingers crossed you get some eggs soon.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

And a time to lay eggs.

Turn, Turn, Turn

My last post on this thread.
wow, thank you everyone for all of your responses! I will be be waiting patiently for eggs now lol. It makes me feel better to know that if they lay later it is healthier for them. I didn't know that. In the mean time I think I am still going to go to Wabash Feed Store and pick up one red sex link they have there. That way I will still be getting eggs while I wait for the other 3 girls. Who know, maybe the red star will teach them sooner. This is wishfull thinking though!
Thanks again!!
If you're anxious for eggs, then having a red sexlink might be just what you need until the others get going! Do you have a place where she can be quarantined for a month? (I've heard that's the way to do it, but haven't introduced new birds yet myself). Also, I'm wondering if it would be better to get two, so she has company during that time? She'll probably have her beak trimmed, I think that's the norm for POL hatchery birds.

I have 2 red stars (from McMurray) that are just amazing. They started laying at 20 weeks and give me big beautiful eggs virtually every day. I think they maybe take 1 day off a month.

You never know with EEs, maybe you'll get your first egg from them today. Out of my 3 EEs, I had one who was much smaller than the rest - I was sure she'd take forever to lay her first egg. Well, she started at 21 weeks and has been like clockwork from the start. Her 2 (much larger) hatchmates didn't start 'til a few weeks later and still only lay sporadically.
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I just read through this entire thread and number 1, am gratefully reassured that my girls will start laying someday-my oldest is 27 weeks Gold laced Wyandotte, 23 week White Leghorn, 21 week AmeracaunaxRIR and down from there. Found a single blue egg last week and none since. Starting to get really worried. But this thread has made me sit back and hold my horses!! Number 2-I was not offended at all by Woodmort's post and he always has common sense good advice and to me that was what that was. Menstruating is not taboo, look at all the commercials on TV selling related products. Give me a break, he's right anyway.

By the way-what's BOSS? I may need some of that for my girls.
I just ready through this entire string also and heard that Fruit might keep hens from laying sooner then later, I have two Austrolopes and two Brahmas that are not on the bandwagon. I feed tons of fruit (get it from the store I work at) Will cut back and see if that helps! Thanks peeps!
I currently have a batch of 21 EE's that are 22 weeks old...and not one of them is laying - yet...but they will soon! And I cannot wait!!!

I had ordered 15 pullets from Ideal back in April, then a friend of mine who is a science teacher had all six of his EE's eggs she'd purchased (also from Idea) hatch in thier science class. When the school year ended, they came to live with my chicks and integrated easily.

I thought it was a miracle that I had not heard any crowing from any of the six that my friend gave me...until this morning!!! It's possible that there is more than one roo, but I'll have to keep my eye on them as they continue to develop. So far, I'm okay with a rooster - ONE. He (ONE) can stay IF he remains non-aggressive. It would be fun to have fertile eggs to put into an incubator.

I also think that pullets reaching the POL during the fall season may take a little longer to begin laying as a result of the decrease in light? I'm not sure about this, but it's been my experience.

Anyway - give them some more'll have some nice eggs!

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