Are they RIR - Or Red Stars?? *UPDATE - PICS ADDED*

Okay - here's 5 of my girls (ones still inside this morning - crop issues) just taken (man its COLD out there!
) and one of one of them when she was about a week old.

So - they're Red Sexlinks right?
They looked like RIR chicks when they were little and thats what I was told... but if they're crossed from a RIR and a RIW - are they RIR's? So what do I call them, I still dont know what they are in all actuality.

I love them though






Their combs look more like the rir than my red sex link (red stars) but the coloring is about the same. As a chick my rsl were that color. Mine lay right through the winter.
Well I'm no expert but they do not look like RIR's to me. Unless they breed has gotten much lighter than when I was younger they look like a RIR mix. I definitely see RIR in there but, what they are mixed with I could not tell you. The RIR's that I remember are a deep mahogany color. Much darker than your ladies. As for the feed store not knowing what they are selling I have to agree with you. I was there (not my usual feed store) not long ago and found a bird that they were selling as a white egg layer even though she had laid a brown egg in the back corner of the cage.

This is not a white layer:

This is what I remember a RIR to look like. Since I don't know the history of this bird I can't tell you if she is a mutt either but this is closer in coloring to what a RIR should look like.

Your ladies are BEAUTIFUL and if they are laying good for you, even better!!!
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They look just like my girls! I have 2 and was told they are red sex-link. They are great layers and sweet girls, although sometimes I have to call Matilda down for being too ornery! I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Those are red stars. They are egg laying machines! They will probably lay better than RIR's. I would be happy with them!
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Red stars or red sex links are also commonly referred to as Gloden comets, I have a bunch of these and they look very similar, but they have more RIR in them as this bird is the breeding foundation.
Ours lay more and bigger eggs than our other chickens, including our RIR. DBF says if he had it to do over, or ever does, he will ONLY have black stars and red stars!! They are also very gentle birds!

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