Are We Under Terrorist Attack?? Gas $6.79 near me!!!

That's good gas mileage for you but, how big is the car again?

This quote got me PC, I had to laugh.

Thanks for the giggle.

My van and the stuff in it weigh 10,000 pounds.

I'm not that fat.
Speckledhen, thought of you when I read this

Raleigh, N.C. — State Attorney General Roy Cooper said starting Monday subpoenas will be sent to certain gas stations in the state – the first step in the state investigating price gouging claims.

especially this part

The western part of North Carolina has been hit the hardest. Customers complained of gas selling for $5.99 a gallon on Friday.

$5.99 would have seemed almost like a deal if you had to choose between that and the $6.79 Chevron.
What about battery disposal? I am unconvinced hybrids are the answer.

I agree. And what they need to do to even get the material to make the batteries is not the most environmentally friendly, either.

We have a Dodge Ram and put biodiesel in it (we call it McDiesel
). Sure, it smells like a BBQ, but it runs clean and you don't have the "waste" of getting rid of an older vehicle to buy your Prius (Where does your old vehicle go? Well, eventually, the dump.). As far as my Chevy truck, it has 4.10s in it now so it doesn't get the best mileage. We're putting 3.55s in it and when it runs to the ground, we'll get a diesel Jetta. The Ram has 230k miles on it and runs like brand new.​
This is sort of off topic but should still play nicely with the topic. Kudzu is something that neighbors would let me harvest all I want of. I wonder how much harder this stuff is to make than corn liquor. The ATF does hand out permits so you can make your own alcohol for fuel. Don't get any ideas people it is required you denature it. I want to make my own fuel but don't have the land to raise the feedstock. The neighbors kudzu just might be the answer. Hopefully I could make enough to supply other family members as well. I think this has great potential for many of us in the south.

Edited to say thanks to Rooster Red for getting the kudzu idea into the thread.
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Just for the record I have no hard feelings toward Joe and hope he has none toward me.

Heck no! I'm just trying t' giv ya a hard time.

No problem. Although I am not a fan of hybrids I agree with you 100% about street lights being a waste.
When I mentioned this in my earlier post I think everyone thought I was joking.

Why would anyone take that as a joke? I for one think you are on to something. I knew I had read it somewhere which triggered me to do a search on it. Thank you for bringing it up. I have a neighbor right now who has several bushels of apples laying on the ground rotting. It would be nice to have a still to put those in. There is more than fifty acres of kudzu within walking distance of me as well.

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