Aren't they pretty?? Would you buy them?


11 Years
Jun 28, 2008
WA State
The kids' box of cartons came from McMurray yesterday. We had to fill one to see what they look like. I am very pleased with them! THe cartons are made from 100% recycled products and are 100% recycleable. Here are some pics. The color isnt very good, but the whitish looking eggs are actually green eggs from our EE. Would you buy the eggs packaged as they are?


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wow, those are nice, very professional looking! How much were the cartons? I would like to get some of those, but I know it would make the cost of my eggs go up. Very nice, I would totally buy them!

Are those able to be separated into half dozens?
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We are selling them for $2/dozen, $1.50/half dozen to friends/family/neighbors, and $3/dozen, $2/half dozen for people who stop because of the "egg sign". All the $$ (after feed) goes to the kids' piggy banks.
Yes, they are able to be seperated, which was a big factor in chosing them. We got 50 for $18. Being that they are plastic, I am hoping they will hold up well and can be reused to help with the cost. My pet chicken has some that are similar, and they might be a little cheaper, I found them after I placed my McMurray order.
Beautiful eggs! Love the cartons...I would gladly buy them! It does look very professional and clean!

Nice job!

The first time I took those see through cartons out to my buyers a lot of other people saw them and just oohhhhed and awwwed over the contents. I picked up a few new customers because, like you, I have different colored eggs. I think they are great and know you all will love them, too.

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