Arizona Chickens

We got to meet Sonoran Silkies today and brought home a super sweet blue Silkie
She is so nice and so poofy
Thank you again for letting us come by and find our new chicken baby! DS is happy he has a nice cuddly chicken, and I'm happy to finally have a Silkie ... I've been wanting one forever - or at least since February when we got our chicks LOL! I'll have to get pictures later today or tomorrow! She's fitting in just fine, so funny the other chickens didn't even act like there was a new chicken in the coop. I think they think she is one of the Blue Ameraucanas since she is about the same size and color is the same. I think her name is Flo. DS likes Fuzzy for a name, so we compromised on Fuzzy Flo. Flo to me, Fuzzy to him! Many of our chickens have a kid name and an adult name. I think it's a good name because she reminds me of Flo from the Progressive comercials

Have to say I'm happy to be back in the AC, we've been running around all day - I think the pool is on the agenda tomorrow!!!
It was nice to meet you too, Michelle! I love the Progressive commercials! Flo is funny...and I DO think glitter and unicorns go together!

Our animals often have multiple nicknames. My son has a cat named Vash. However, he far more often gets called Fuzzy, The Velveteen Kitten (not so much since his short velvety fur is much longer, and he is no longer a kitten) and several others. Other son's cat is named Kittie, but often gets called Kit-A' (not quite sure how to spell that: Kit then l-o-n-g A). Both often get called Rat-Breath (for which we are quite happy). Thanks to them, the dog and a massive yard cleanup we no longer have a roof rat infestation.

Anyways, I hope Fuzzy Flo fits into your family nicely!

And Happy Birthday!
Actually, no, believe it or not. I've just always liked penguins. I'm weird like that

Eggbert is settling in, but there's a bit of a pecking order being established. This isn't unexpected, and he seems to be getting along with the Ameracuna gal, so that's a good thing. The silkies are still pushing him around, though
The birds next door are also settling in. The heat was brutal today, but the ducks are already laying off the hen they were picking on.
It was nice to meet you too, Michelle! I love the Progressive commercials! Flo is funny...and I DO think glitter and unicorns go together!

Our animals often have multiple nicknames. My son has a cat named Vash. However, he far more often gets called Fuzzy, The Velveteen Kitten (not so much since his short velvety fur is much longer, and he is no longer a kitten) and several others. Other son's cat is named Kittie, but often gets called Kit-A' (not quite sure how to spell that: Kit then l-o-n-g A). Both often get called Rat-Breath (for which we are quite happy). Thanks to them, the dog and a massive yard cleanup we no longer have a roof rat infestation.

Anyways, I hope Fuzzy Flo fits into your family nicely!

And Happy Birthday!

Thanks again!!!
. Forgot to ask can silkies make it up to a three foot high roost? If not I have a perch I can put in.
I got no real hits on craigslist for the W/BW Americauna Roos. Couple attempts to pass a virus, one person who wasted alot of my time, one kook. Nada.
I can take them to Casa Grande for fattening, but if anyone here wants them just PM me... CG is a lotta gas, and If I can't at least stay and play with NoSkivvies I don't wanna go that far.

They are pretty, and they have begin coming to me for reassurance and a little petting when I let them out for a while in the morning.
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Ahhh, happy for you. Like a fuzzy butt that doesn't have to grow up!

I know
. Maybe you need one too?

Yes, perhaps when I get the Serema. No no no nooooo. Chicken algebra! Nothing new til Fall. Who knows what'll hatch and I'm already keeping my Wheaton pullet, and the two blue polish/BW if they're pullets. And who knows if any of the Aloha are viable how could I let them go? And the Marans eggs. Hey, I WANT a Marans layer. And if the TJ's eggs produce anything how could I pass up a production layer like that??? And then it'll be fall and people will have eggs again and then I'll be suffering chicken-math-brain and possibly looking for a divorce lawyer if this keeps up! If only a chicken would save DH's life...
Poor Eggbert! He will be just fine, but I am supposed to say that we tried to point you to the virile stud-boy with the single comb, who would have kicked little fuzzy heinies.
Eggbert has a better personality

If you or your neighbor decide you need another splash Wyandotte or blue EE roo (or black), let us know (or if the she becomes a he, which I really don't think will happen, but

Penguins are cool, BTW, no pun intended. Poor big guy down south

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