Arizona Chickens

I would wait 7-10 days and candle. Otherwise, there's nothing to do if she's happy siting on them. I also keep broodys separate from the flock...the other hens will try to lay their eggs on her nest and might break the eggs. Also, if she's separated now, you won't have to do it later when the eggs hatch. She'll get off the nest only a couple of times to eat and poo...and boy, will she poo. No one warned me about broody poo...consider yourself warned! Good luck!

Exactly! x2

Merry Christmas everyone, hope all goes well and as planned.
Guess I better read up on how to candle eggs...... yet another chicken thing we have never done!! Does the broody really need to be separated from the others? We only have 3 grown hens and the other small pen we have is being occupied by our newest (5) additions to the flock and they are only 8-9 wks old. Not old enough to put in with the 2 non-broody hens.

Our broody has not left the nest yet as far as I can tell so I put food and water just outside the box she is in so she won't starve. Like I said before...... never done this and feel like a complete idiot when it comes to knowing what to do...... guess we will just wing it and I will keep you guys posted on how everything turns out.

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all have the perfect day you deserve!!
My girls were there by the door, they know when it is time to go out, they are so happy, I envy there pure joy in the morning. Every morning they exercise their wings, run this way run that way, using up all that stored energy. What pure JOY .
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What a great present. So do you know who laid it and where are the photos? :)
I am hoping I can use my iPhone for some photos.. We have a cannon 7D.. Not sure how to use that jut yet.. Technical difficulties is my middle name..
Seriously if I did not have this iPad I would never check the forum or my email.. You can tell by my posts.. Sometimes half of my reply is at the top. Who knows
how it got there.. Not me.. I have photos on our other canon camera.. Still no idea how to post.. I don't have a spot on my iPad to put the chip..
However, I just thought of another idea... I will keep you posted...

Merry Christmas everyone... My boys "all of them" are still sleeping...
Guess I better read up on how to candle eggs...... yet another chicken thing we have never done!! Does the broody really need to be separated from the others?  We only have 3 grown hens and the other small pen we have is being occupied by our newest (5) additions to the flock and they are only 8-9 wks old.  Not old enough to put in with the 2 non-broody hens.

Our broody has not left the nest yet as far as I can tell so I put food and water just outside the box she is in so she won't starve.  Like I said before...... never done this and feel like a complete idiot when it comes to knowing what to do...... guess we will just wing it and I will keep you guys posted on how everything turns out.

:cd  Merry Christmas everyone.  Hope you all have the perfect day you deserve!!
[/quote I think you are doing fine... If I had to move a broody I would do it at night... They seem to be more relaxed then.. Just a thought.. They will typically sit for a few weeks.. With that said you could move her to a space that is safe & out of the way... That would give you time to build a broody pen.. I am still waiting
on our friend to come over and finish our roof top.. "Gilligan style" we re-used our neighbors palm frawns.. We plan on having a separate broody area for our
girls, since we now have Kent...
We are in Tempe if you want to come and take a peek to check out what we have done..
We still need to make changes.. Nothing elaborate..
We built a gate from the back yard to close off the side of the house.. That is where they are most of the day... The around 2-3 PM I let them free range in the
front yard.. I keep our dog phoebe out there. She never leaves the front yard... Even if a dog, kid ,or person comes by she gives me a warning bark..
I come in only for 1-2 minutes to make a cup of tea... Or I have one of our boys stand guard.. We also have a German Shepard who is tied up to a tree..
She is still a youngster.. About 1. She stays in the yard as well but does not have the restraint like phoebe... Puppy behavior..
Phoebe is a Shetland sheep dog.. Sheltie like lassy.. Spelling??? Any way back to the area for you new momma... You will have a few weeks to make a better area for her & the new chicks... Maybe make it like a tractor..?? That way you can move it around.. If need be??
Keep us posted on your progress...
What a beautiful white Christmas day. Merry Christmas everyone!

AZHENHOUSE... Is your Avatar a Great Dan? I love them, how is she with your Chickens? My Willy wanted his own bird, would catch doves and carry them around in his mouth. Never hurt them, just carried them. Sometimes hard to get him to spit the dove out. He wanted to keep it. Have no idea just how he caught them with out hurting them. I really miss my Willy.:hit, but wonderful memory's :love.
My boyfriend built me a beautiful brooder out in my empty barn stall (heh - maybe so I can't fill it with another horse!) and I found this guy checking out my peeps tonight. Its fully enclosed and has a top but still scary. I don't really know what to do to repel them, do those fake owls work?
You could put up a string netting. Like gardening string.. That would " hopefully" keep the owl from swooping down to the chicks. That is what we are going to do out in the side yard where hawks can get in. It is worth a try..
My boyfriend built me a beautiful brooder out in my empty barn stall (heh - maybe so I can't fill it with another horse!) and I found this guy checking out my peeps tonight. Its fully enclosed and has a top but still scary. I don't really know what to do to repel them, do those fake owls work?
Just re-read your post.. " fully enclosed" Never mind last post.. Beautiful owl...

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