Arizona Chickens

I went to Pratt's in Glendale, Monday with my 2 girls that are NOT Silver Lace Wyandotte's. I trust the people at the main store, they looked at them it has been confirmed that one is a black sex link, the other is probably a Blue Orpington. The BO is a problem, they have been unable to get any in this year to his knowledge. I can understand how a chick, when using stock tanks could end up in the wrong tank, with people coming in and out. When they are full feathered and have eggs, I would think will be breed conformation. Sense I can not have a rooster were I am I do not have to be concerned about breeding. For my priorities happy, healthy, good natured and eggs are important over breed. Later when, if I move to where I can have roosters, then it will be important, and I will have more then one coop. Ah! To dreams. You must drive the road you are on, looking a head and mindful of the next turn in the road with expectations of what is just around that bend.
demosthine, i just caught up on this thread and read your other about sunshine and i am so sorry for your families loss. were you ever able to determine what it was?
i had a young one end up like that and she died in my hands, she was my first loss, i believe it was heat stroke in my case. my mom just lost a hen that we think was egg bound, but cant be sure because we dont think she ever laid an egg in her young life.
its always difficult to accept when there is no explanation.

I was not able to find out. She was not egg bound or anything. Always access to fresh food and water. I have no explanation. Clean poop and intestines, at least as far as I can tell.

My wife and girls took it better than I thought. My eight year old cried, but she had milk and that makes her emotionally on edge.
who was looking for marans and silkies? i have silkies in black and white, about 10-11 weeks old. beehappy4ever has marans.
I am looking for a couple, but my wife wants chicks that are younger than a week old. I appreciate the offer, though! I'll send BeeHappy a message shortly and see about stopping by. I think she was in the Gilbert Mesa area, which might be the direction we come back through from Texas tomorrow. I think she was the one who said her friend goes to Heber, too, so that might be an option, too.

My boyfriend built me a beautiful brooder out in my empty barn stall (heh - maybe so I can't fill it with another horse!) and I found this guy checking out my peeps tonight. Its fully enclosed and has a top but still scary. I don't really know what to do to repel them, do those fake owls work?
That is a beautiful owl! Oh, to have such beautiful creatures around. The largest birds I tend to see in my yard are pidgeons. I guess I should be thankful I don't have to worry about predators yet. Anybody eat pidgeon? I hear it's marketed as Squibb. Just curious about the flavor.
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