Arizona Chickens

How long have you had sand?
And what kind of sand do you use?

I got the sand from Home Depot - the kind used in kid's sandboxes. The sand has been here for about 3 years but it was several tons delivered & had a different purpose originally. It seems to hold the moisture longer than regular soil & unlike soil it does not mold.

Glad you mentioned this.. We will ask for this kind of sand.. Hope it is nt the clumping..does sand clump?
Whew finally caught up on all the posts. I am very sorry to see everyone that has lost birds. We lost Phoebe our Avatar this past weekend as well. I think it was more than just the heat unfortunately but I do understand the feeling of loss everyone is going threw. I am happy to say my wife and I will be heading down to Tucson to see Desertmarcy tomorrow to pick out a couple birds to add to our flock. Really excited to see her place sicne she has helped so much with questions in the past. Hope everyone stays cool today.

How was your trip?? What did you bring home??

Not all sand drains well.  Some (construction sand, that provides a stable base for building) does not.   Play sand does.

Ah! Makes sense.

We'd be using sand from our creek if we put any in the run at all. It's pretty coarse as sand goes. The chickens already go down there when they free range and dig around in it.

Boy, that sounds like fun.. Wish we had a creek.. :thumbsup
Boy, that sounds like fun.. Wish we had a creek..

They love it! it's fairly dry right now, with only a few pools of water, but as the monsoons kick in, it starts running. They love to go down there and dig around the bases of trees and in the sand for bugs. It's pretty shady from all the cottonwoods, so they can stay out of the sun too. They've been laying some eggs in a tangle of roots that got exposed the last time it flooded, the little sillies.
How do I harvest the seeds from a Texas Lilac Vitex?? I bought one from my friend for $5 and its full of little seeds.
I just pulled them off the stem area - after they were dried. I got some from along a roadside high-end gated community area
so now I'm going to get my pot going and plant a few to see if they grow. Tell me if something better is out there!!

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