Arizona Chickens

Just hang out for a few more posts. We'll have you turned yet.
I just pulled them off the stem area - after they were dried.  I got some from along a roadside high-end gated community area :oops:   so now I'm going to get my pot going and plant a few to see if they grow.   Tell me if something better is out there!! 

HA! More "seed thievery"! Im not sure I should hang out with this group!

:lau   Just hang out for a few more posts.  We'll have you turned yet.  

Totally agree. .
F.P. we all help by cleaning up the left over. I wonder if anyone has ever been caught by a officer?
Gallo how do know when its time to remove seeds from a Texas Lilac Vitex, im new to the plant thing my brother says I have a black thumb instead of a green thumb because all my plants die lol, I dont want kill this one.
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One of the most powerful in the world!  Instead of tactical gear they wear suits and look just like most elected politicians.

Kinda along the same line, I receive news reports from various Libertarian and right wing groups because of some of my magazine subscriptions and online purchases. About 6 weeks ago, I saw a report that the USDA was procuring machine guns. (!!!) Can anybody imagine why they would need them?

P.S. this is for real, Google USDA machine guns. If you find the Office of Special Investigations reply to questioning, you can tell they are lying because their lips are moving!
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