Arizona Chickens

LOL, they barely finished putting it together after dark yesterday. I need to get some paint and get to work on my next day off, but it's supposed to be 101 degrees that day. I will post some pictures, but think it needs more perching spots.

You'll have to work on it in the morning before it get's too hot. Bring cold water out there with you, so that you can stay hydrated.
OK everybody, here is the famous Chicken Palace. The inside is 5 feet wide by 6 feet long plus the nesting boxes, which would total close to 8 feet in length, and about 9 feet high. Since Leghorns fly more than a lot of breeds, maybe I could do something to make use of that vertical space? What do you think? I'm thinking of adding another roost, since they're angled, and one is about 3 feet long, the other one about 2 1/2 feet long.

He built it with interior and exterior walls, so it's double-walled with air space in between. No insulation, that would really be asking a lot. I don't know if the double walls will help keep them warmer in winter and cooler in summer or not. I took the side pic so you can see the ventilation holes that are on two opposite sides, facing east and west. He was going to use chicken wire to cover the ventilation holes, but I handed him 1/4" hardware cloth to use instead. Once I get the run attached, the door will be open during the day for them to come in and out, and that will add more ventilation.

I need to paint it, since most of the walls are particle board, and rain, blowing sand, and monsoons could damage that. I'm thinking of painting the inside tan. Might as well help hide any possible future stains.

I was up pretty much around the clock last night, so I'll probably not get back to this thread until the morning. Without further ado, The Chicken Palace....
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