Arizona Chickens

If they are eating feather's they need more protein.
I agree--it's 20% protein, but the eating feathers made me suspicious. I gave them some chicken breast and am going to give them some eggs until I switch to the purina. I've never had birds do more than an occasional feather eating before, but the cockerel was eating feathers off other birds, and some of the other birds were eating them off the ground.

**ETA** these babies are molting into their adult feathers very quickly! Every time I go in, feathers everywhere. For 7 birds, it seems like a lot of feathers. I wonder if the food isn't as high protein as it says??
I agree--it's 20% protein, but the eating feathers made me suspicious. I gave them some chicken breast and am going to give them some eggs until I switch to the purina. I've never had birds do more than an occasional feather eating before, but the cockerel was eating feathers off other birds, and some of the other birds were eating them off the ground.

**ETA** these babies are molting into their adult feathers very quickly! Every time I go in, feathers everywhere. For 7 birds, it seems like a lot of feathers. I wonder if the food isn't as high protein as it says??
I think that they basically all do that when they start molting into the adult feather's. Even when they are adult's and go through the molting process they need higher protein. All of the protein in the feed goes to growing back the feather's, and not for the egg laying.
We're less than an hour from the border, too close for my tastes. We know what they took, we gave a list to the police in our report. It was stuff you'd keep in a garage: tools, a shop vac, car stuff, fuel cannisters, fishing gear, gardening/lawn stuff, etc. I guess we'll be buying a lockable shed later. I need to be able to use my office again at some point.

A local man who pulls a cart around and digs aluminum cans out of the trash told my roommate that he saw two men he didn't recognize hanging out in the alley where our fence was cut earlier that day. We gave their description to the police. We don't expect to get any resolution but I know it's important to report it for crime statistics and department budgets and so on. We have a good police department but they can't be everywhere.

I'm so angry, what do you do with the anger about something like this? I keep looking at everyone I see: are the one of the guys who took our stuff? Why did you take it? Why did you choose us? How can you live with yourself?
We live 45 mins from the border ourselves :eek:
I think that they basically all do that when they start molting into the adult feather's. Even when they are adult's and go through the molting process they need higher protein. All of the protein in the feed goes to growing back the feather's, and not for the egg laying.
I'm just dissappointed that the 20% in this feed doesn't seem to be enough.
I hope that you get it settled. Some people feed catfood for the flock during molting. Not too much at a time though, and mixed into some wet feed.
I have that, I should try some tomorrow. Or maybe just start mixing in my bag of Purina, it's 20%, and maybe there's some problem with the current bag of Nature's best.
I have that, I should try some tomorrow. Or maybe just start mixing in my bag of Purina, it's 20%, and maybe there's some problem with the current bag of Nature's best.
Keep us updated on how thing's go with that, in case other's have that happening with their's too. They say that the fish catfood is good, but not to do the tuna because it has more salt in it. Tuna is also higher in Mercury level's then like N. Atlantic Mackerel or Wild, fresh or canned Salmon.
Keep us updated on how thing's go with that, in case other's have that happening with their's too. They say that the fish catfood is good, but not to do the tuna because it has more salt in it. Tuna is also higher in Mercury level's then like N. Atlantic Mackerel or Wild, fresh or canned Salmon.
so it should be canned cat food, not dry cat food that I moisten first?

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