Arizona Chickens

I always thought it was pronounced like Maryanne without the E sound... Like ma-ran. I think I remember Mama Hen Chris telling me about them pronounced like that as well.
It's ALWAYS spelled 'Marans''s the name of the town in France where they originated. I had been saying muh-RANS. I believe the 's' is silent and it's pronounced like 'Karen', but with a 'M' instead of the 'K'. :rolleyes:

Ha, love your definition of Marans .. Karen is my favorite name.. I have 3-4 dearest friends.. Along eith a silkie chicken named Karen..

Thank for your thoughts on our dog.. I have to omit I feel a relief.. I dont have to see him suffer..
City farm, so sorry about your dog. I found out on Wednesday that my 14 year old dog has an internal mass and is bleeding internally. Fatal. He'a gone downhill so fast, just a matter of days. He's final appointment is monday, but I'm not sure he'll make itththrough the weekend.

Yeah, crazy.. We had another dog that had a medical issue that we tried. She suffered for 4-5 months. My hubby was like
"we can save her" I never want to do that again.. He just would not believe is upsetting once you look back &
think about it.. Humans do it for themselve, not the dog.. That is how I felt at the vet office.. They want people to spend thousand
of $ mula to try and fix a dog that will eventually and constantly suffer.. Our dog really should have been done at the first vet visit.
He suffered & cried trying to get up & eat or go to the bathroom for 4 more days.. It was so clear how "almost dead" he was.. to me
that is a crapy veterinarian, he did not have the animals best interest. NO, rather huh, how much can I get out of them$$$$.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, THE SKY IS FALLLLIIIINNNNGGGGGG! Oh, that's not the sky? What is this wet stuff coming down then. I'm not sure I'm familiar with it. Is it safe?

We got a pretty steady amount of rain in the Northwest Valley last night, with lots of lightning and thunder! It was so nice this morning, still coming down. I mean, usually the East Valley hogs all the rain and won't share with us Westsiders... From the looks of it, it was staying in that part of the valley. As we approached Central Phoenix, it became more and more dry.

I hope everyone else gets some nice weather!

I got to thinking about how to feed my turkeys separate from my chickens, since they should be on the higher protein feed. Since they came out of the brooder, they have generally just eaten the fermented chicken food, along with the rest of the flock. They go after the diatomaceous earth and crushed egg shells, too. But I really wanted to get them on the higher protein feed. I don't have any separate enclosures for them, though. But I came up with a plan.

On the middle cross support of the brooder (see my signature for a link), I drilled two holes and used a bolt to secure through the sidewall of a paint trough from Lowe's. It sits about two feet off the ground, so I figured the chickens couldn't get in to it, but the larger turkeys could. I was right! Sort of... My two large cockerels, the New Hampshire and the Black Copper Marans, are both tall enough to stretch their necks up and get to the food. But if it limits that food to two out of fourteen chickens, I call it a success. The turkeys had absolutely no problem getting to it, and that'll only get easier as they get bigger. But it got me to thinking about how I could set up a more adjustable version in the future for our next batch of turkeys.

I'll have to post pictures this evening. I ran out of time to get them taken before dark last night.
You are correct, the "s" is silent when singular. The guy who introduced me to the breed declared it should be pronounced moo-ron' with accent on the second syllable. I have heard a lot of people including a judge call them mare'-in with accent on the first syllable. Guess we need someone fluent in French. I never took French.

hahaha, I've been wondering this as well, especially since I figure I should be able to pronounce the breeds if i have them in my flock! I too, have heard that the "s" is silent, similar to that famous car race "Le Mans". I asked someone who spoke semi fluent French language, and he advised it would be pronounced "Ma Rawn" in that silly way that the French have of changing the way a final syllable sounds!

So far, I've heard it pronounced like:   "Mare-ins"  Mare-ans"  "Maarr-ans" "Muh-rans" "Ma-Rons"    & probably a few others that I cant think of right now

Also, there are several different dialects of French, which may have an effect on how it is ultimately pronounced. :)

YES, what is so funny about this is we have lots of professors here in our neighborhood.. If I say 1 work incorrectly they correct me.
Which I am completely fine with.. It funny that is goes as far as that.. It does make you think about language.. I must say I am better
at math than English.. I do enjoy all the different pronunciation you have provided..
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, THE SKY IS FALLLLIIIINNNNGGGGGG!  Oh, that's not the sky?  What is this wet stuff coming down then.  I'm not sure I'm familiar with it.  Is it safe?

We got a pretty steady amount of rain in the Northwest Valley last night, with lots of lightning and thunder!  It was so nice this morning, still coming down.  I mean, usually the East Valley hogs all the rain and won't share with us Westsiders...  From the looks of it, it was staying in that part of the valley.  As we approached Central Phoenix, it became more and more dry.

I hope everyone else gets some nice weather!

I got to thinking about how to feed my turkeys separate from my chickens, since they should be on the higher protein feed.  Since they came out of the brooder, they have generally just eaten the fermented chicken food, along with the rest of the flock.  They go after the diatomaceous earth and crushed egg shells, too.  But I really wanted to get them on the higher protein feed.  I don't have any separate enclosures for them, though.  But I came up with a plan.

On the middle cross support of the brooder (see my signature for a link), I drilled two holes and used a bolt to secure through the sidewall of a paint trough from Lowe's.  It sits about two feet off the ground, so I figured the chickens couldn't get in to it, but the larger turkeys could.  I was right!  Sort of...  My two large cockerels, the New Hampshire and the Black Copper Marans, are both tall enough to stretch their necks up and get to the food.  But if it limits that food to two out of fourteen chickens, I call it a success.  The turkeys had absolutely no problem getting to it, and that'll only get easier as they get bigger.  But it got me to thinking about how I could set up a more adjustable version in the future for our next batch of turkeys.

I'll have to post pictures this evening.  I ran out of time to get them taken before dark last night.

So far no rain here in Tempe.. The radar is showing lots of thunderstorms your way.. Yes would love to see your photos..
I hope to see you guys next Sunday..
Quote: I have the same feeling as you do about this. I know some people that spent thousands of dollars in giving chemo thearupy to their pets to keep them alive for just a few more suffering years. Or keep their sickly 16 year old dog going whose eyes say please let me go.
I always try to remember John Denvers song that said. " Some people, love is to hang on some its to let go"

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