Arizona Chickens

Let's start this off with I'm still a noob - obviously.

The obvious part is when I tell you who I thought was who and who I realize is really whom.

I thought this was one of the Buff Orp pullets (sorry for the nictating membrane but he blinked) His comb was red from week 2

the two on the top withthe blond combs were supposed to be RIR's, I'm guessing Buff Orp pullets now.

This guy (Gal now...) was supposed to be a buff orp roo (remember they came marked from ideal) I'm now guessing RIR pullet.

Just for S & G purposes...

Here is a shot of the silver and gold laced wyandottes. (I'm pretty sure I know which is which.)

And the Americunas (2 on left) and the Salmon Favroles (3 on the right) They are still too light to operate the treadle feeder so the brick keeps it open.

Please correct any more misconceptions I may have & thanks for the help!
Let's start this off with I'm still a noob - obviously. The obvious part is when I tell you who I thought was who and who I realize is really whom. I thought this was one of the Buff Orp pullets (sorry for the nictating membrane but he blinked) His comb was red from week 2 the two on the top withthe blond combs were supposed to be RIR's, I'm guessing Buff Orp pullets now. This guy (Gal now...) was supposed to be a buff orp roo (remember they came marked from ideal) I'm now guessing RIR pullet. Just for S & G purposes... Here is a shot of the silver and gold laced wyandottes. (I'm pretty sure I know which is which.) And the Americunas (2 on left) and the Salmon Favroles (3 on the right) They are still too light to operate the treadle feeder so the brick keeps it open. Please correct any more misconceptions I may have & thanks for the help!
Yep. I think you're spot on, except those are Easter Eggers, not Ameraucanas. The hatcheries always call EEs Ameraucanas. :rolleyes: Nice to see you here again!
Hmmm I could give it a try but that doesn't save my hens from being attacked by him. He is just horrible to them. My poor Americana has been so tramatized she still is not laying yet. The others are back to themselves but she is still running scared even from me. She is starting to warm up again but the last time I caught him chasing her I found her in a corner of her coupe shaking and in shock. It took a while for her to snap out of it. I had no idea roosters could be so brutal. I thought they were starting to molt. I didn't realize the rooster was ripping their feathers out when he jumped them. Little ****. I just don't know what to do with him. He definitely does not like his cage but there is no way I am letting him near my girls again. 
That is something else, sounds like he is a thug, hens are girls too, they prefer a Romeo over Jack the Ripper. If he was protecting his hens and tarritory that is another thing
Let's start this off with I'm still a noob - obviously.

This guy (Gal now...) was supposed to be a buff orp roo (remember they came marked from ideal) I'm now guessing RIR pullet.

Please correct any more misconceptions I may have & thanks for the help!

Mikey, we all start somewhere and you are learning! The red is a hatchery mix and is not a true Rhode Island Red. (Few hatchery reds are.) If you want to see what a RIR is supposed to look like, check this thread:
Saw some pretty nice birds at the National Livestock show. Would have loved to hang out longer but didn't have time. Does any one know who had all the beautiful Silkies? There were a lot from mostly just one breeder. A friend of mine is looking for a black roo

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