Arizona Chickens

What is so funny about that is.. I already do it.. Since we live so close to A.S.U. Ther are lot's of rentals.. So when they move out....

I go plant!!! One because we have to look at it

What a great idea!  The property owners probably don't even notice. 

I got permission ONCE!! I just planted grass, bamboo on the other side of the wall.. It will be so beautiful in about 1 year.. It sound's so wonderful when the wind blow's.. I water it about every other day.. That stuff grow's amazingly fast... I like it just not on my property..
Agh, He is really one of the most gorgeous rooster's I have ever seen.. The only other amazing rooster that stood out was Optimus prime that
[@=/u/74845/notinoz]@notinoz[/@] has..

Thank you I was just amazed at how gorgeous he was when my hubby brought him home

Agh, how cool... He is a sweety.. He talks to his girl's and calls them over when he find's a treat, he wait's while they eat first.. I would go in at night and pick up from the middle of the flock just to show him off to our kid's friend's.. That comb & waddle are just so beautiful.. He let's the kid's pet him.. I'm not going to cry, really...

@Sill does your "Dude" have coloring like this??
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I made three double decker turkey nest boxes out of pallets and scrap I had laying around. My turkeys love them!
Here is the one for my Penciled Palms. I have my first hatch of turkeys coming out this Sunday. I will have extra Penciled Palms and Royal Palms if anybody is interested. The other varieties are already pre-sold, but I'll have extras of more varieties out on April 27 and May 4.

Getting ready to do a mass planting!   I picked up a semi dwarf "All In One" almond today, still looking for a peach and maybe persimmon. The area they are going into isn't big enough for full sized trees so I need dwarf or semi dwarf. I'm hoping to get them in the ground while it's still cool-ish outside.
we actually got some almonds on our all in one this year, pretty exciting. I'm thinking of cutting down and removing the Moringa tree since I'll never end up eating anything off of it. More space.
I made three double decker turkey nest boxes out of pallets and scrap I had laying around. My turkeys love them!
Here is the one for my Penciled Palms. I have my first hatch of turkeys coming out this Sunday. I will have extra Penciled Palms and Royal Palms if anybody is interested. The other varieties are already pre-sold, but I'll have extras of more varieties out on April 27 and May 4.

Nicely done! Those look like some very happy and very beautiful turkeys! I have to admit, after recently "meeting" some turkey chicks recently I'm seriously considering adding turkeys to my growing flock. I told my husband how endearing those chicks were and he laughed and laughed. I'm sure he's remembering our original discussion...long ago...about having only four laying chickens for fresh eggs. It's all his fault, though. He's the one who surprised me one day with a chicken coop. Once he did that, I just had to fill it, right?
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Well done on the nest boxes, they look great. Your turkeys are gorgeous!

I'm expanding my coop this weekend. The original is just a bit too small for 9 full grown hens and I'm seeing some minor pecking damage from them fighting over roost space. I'm going to pop out the front wall and nest box, and build the expansion over the popout. The planter will have to go into the garden--it was a cute idea and provided shade for the popout, but the chickens would never allow anything to grow in it!

Then, since I already have the supplies, I'm expanding the run. It will only add about 16 sq ft to the run, but gives the hens a bit of breathing space.

Coop and run as is.
we actually got some almonds on our all in one this year, pretty exciting. I'm thinking of cutting down and removing the Moringa tree since I'll never end up eating anything off of it. More space.

Why aren't you eating any of the Moringa leaves? They are supposed to be super nutritious. Won't your chickens eat them?
we actually got some almonds on our all in one this year, pretty exciting. I'm thinking of cutting down and removing the Moringa tree since I'll never end up eating anything off of it. More space.
Moringa is easy to add to your food or the chickens and other critters by just dehydrating the leaves then powder them in a blender of food processor. Sprinkle on food after cooking to reserve nutrients.

But getting rid of a tree you don't like leaves room for something else to try! Remember when you are removing the tree you can give people the cuttings and they can try to root them and grow their own tree. I think root cuttings are more successful than branch cuttings.
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