Arizona Chickens


I wasnt being judgemental...lord knows my seat has its stretch marks.

I just don't want anyone to think I am torturing my chicks.

My grandma used to say, "It hurts to be beautiful."
I say, "You get paid less, but you're more approachable if you look teeny bit frazzled."
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I would just like to introduce myself as new to this forum. I have 30 chickens due to arrive by mail the first part of next week - all Buff Orpingtons. They seemed like a good all around breed. I haven't had chickens since I was a teenager, so I will be re-learning it all over again! I've enjoyed seeing what others have as far as coops and brooders. Our brooder is all set up and ready - a very large wooden crate with cardboard on the sides to prevent escape and drafts. I live in Maricopa with my husband, 5 kids, 2 dogs, and a snake.

We have 1 buff orpinton and plan to get some more here in the next few days. They are very sweet birds. Ours is a pretty good layer (4-5 eggs per week) and she was a wonderful mother as she hatched our chicks last year for us.

Enjoy those babies!! We would love to see pics when you get them...
Hi all- From the looks of it lots of these posts are old- but lots of good advice especially regarding the heat. Just got our 5 girls in Sept. Got our first eggs this week (Mar). Plan on checking back often to get more desert specific tips. My girls seem to love pecans from our trees and lettuce from our garden. Citrus also until I read that was bad...can anyone confirm?
Congrats on the new babies. They are Sooooooooo, cute! Makes me want Babies! I must control myself. LOL!

Menmyrc, BYC is a great place to hang out.

I had a big surprise a couple of days ago. My Sultan Roo had been living in a large Parrot cage. The other chickens, including his flock mates picked his feet until they bled. He had to spend time in ICU. Put him back with his flock, and they started pecking and beating him up. The all hated him. Any how, all the chickens free range during the day when I am home. They would come around his cage and hang out with him. I would open the door for him so that he could come and go as he pleased. He went out 3 times, and 3 times all the chickens went after him. I could leave the door open after that and he would not even try to come out.
I was moving his cage around and lifted the cage up and before i could put it back, he jumped out. I let him. I hate to see him caged all the time and he is missing out on all the green stuff coming up.
Louie-Lu-Li became a Rooster. Bat Man ran after him right away and the fight was on. Louie, would not back down this time and ran Bat Man off. He then marched over to the girls and took charge, and settled the pecking order right then and there. A site to see! Now Willy Nelson hearing all the noise, came running over. I thought for sure he would hurt Louie. They had a face off. Lots of feather puffing and staring eye to eye. Now Willy is a nice Rooster and he accepted Louie into the flock. The big girls tried to push Louie around and he said NO MORE! I am a Rooster! He did his dance around them and they did what he was telling them.

I was wondering what he would do at bed time. When I checked, he was in the pen where he had always been. Only he was roosting on the roof of the playhouse coop. I picked him up and put him on the roost bar inside the house. He set right down and closed his eyes.
It sure looked like he was walking taller this morning. I am so proud of him and pleased.
OMG I just found out my neighbor has chickens!! I want chickens!!

I took my son and my dog for a walk in the afternoon like I always do, but this time I took a left instead of a right ... and lo and behold I see 3 chickens in someone's front yard. They seemed to be a RIR, Barred Rock and either Jersey Giant or Cochin? Not too versed on those ... it was a big black feather footed beauty
Then the owner came home and they all filed back into the backyard (and coop) in an orderly fashion. Lovely!

I showed them to my son (he is 20 months old) and told him "gallina" (chicken in spanish) and to my surprise he actually picked the word up! It must be a sign that I gotta get chickens!!

I can't believe it is 2010 and I still don't have my chickens. I am hoping to use my bonus (if I get one) or my tax return and finally get my coop started and my chickens ordered. I can't wait any longer!!

Of course I just got into a fight about money with the DH so he probably won't take too kindly to my wanting the chickens at this time, but if I get a bonus then it's mine to do what I please with, so there

Sorry for the flow of consciousness post! I know I am 99% lurker here, but this is my only place to discuss chicken-related stuff

Now I just gotta get back to narrowing down what breeds I want ... uh oh! I can only have 3-4 chickens, but I want 5-6 breeds! whoops!

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