Arizona Chickens

This might seem strange, but how do you know they are eating feathers?

Most of the chickens have missing tailfeathers and I can see plenty of other places where there should be feathers but there is only a little stub left over ( I pick them up a couple times per week to check and get them used to being handled). Strange? No other animals can get into the coop so my conclusion is it must be one of them! I also don't see broken off feathers on the floor. That's why I assumed they were eaten. I am definitely new to chicken problems

I know they are young and really just getting feathers so maybe what I see are growing feathers and not missing feathers? But one of them has a little bald spot on the back. ??? The few roos in there are also only 4-5 weeks old. They don't even know yet they are roos. Oh dear, I am confused.

When mine are about the same age my husband will bring a box in and say these look sick or have been beat up and he has pointed out the lack of fluff/feathers and its never been missing feathers, its them growing real feathers and the downy type feathers thinning out. I have a few doing this night now actually. Usually when I've had heavy feather picking, there is blood, marks on the chicken and lost feathers in the coop. Id keep a watch on the them. I would think if its true picking it will get worse. If its that funky "teenager" stage, it will get better.
There is a forum for that. Did you check there?:

yeah, thank you. Im looking through it now, just a lot of info to go through.
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Catch up time.

Rio Lindo - That is a beautiful bird (Tollbunt Wyndotte) -- If you find some, you will have at least one customer for chicks right here.

Tucson Tofu - While the broken egg all over you is gross, I have to admit that I was laughing at the mental image that you painted. Mostly because I could see myself in it though.

5pinkarrows - Your Bethlehem market sound incredible. I wish you weren't so far away. I hope everthing goes well.

CharlieDill - I am new too but

Ok here are my new kids -




I really like the face on this one


I guess I better update my signature, but I think I will wait to see what hatches over the next few weeks.
I am so sorry about the dead birds. Maybe poison is not the best way to handle the roof rat problem. You could buy a half dozen or so of those spring traps and set up a trap line. Put the kids to man it. Set the traps along the tops of the walls and fences. Those critters seem to like to be up high. I have actually seen them walking on the electrical lines.

However, it is all for naught if your neighbors still use poison. When poisoned rats start to die, they go looking for water. They are not particular whose yard they die in.

What day and time is the presentation?

HAHAHAHA!!! Can you tell I'm a little crazy right now? I forgot the most important part! It is Thursday and Friday from 6-9pm. Call me if you need directions. 520-309-8493
Thanks! Your ducks are adorable! I would really like to get a few. I was in Tucson today at a feed store and I had to go check out the ducks. NEAT! Do they need room to fly? A bigger coop than the chickens? A place to swim?
We had ducks when I was a kid. They had a special door with a flap on it to one of the coops they used... don't know why the chickens didn't use it, but they stayed in their 'corner' of that coop.

We always had a pond nearby with lots of water so that made the ducks happy.
Anyone I've known in Phoenix that had ducks in the backyard, simply had mud for a backyard....ducks destroy a small backyard.
There's a guy down the street from me that has a beautiful backyard. He has a huge duck pen with a pond and trees and grass and all the other fun stuff ducks would enjoy. It looked like a duck sanctuary to me...he only had a handful. I like ducks but grew up in dobson ranch and know how messy they can be...especially if you have a pool. One of the few times I heard my dad swear growing up was over ducks in the pool.

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