Arizona Chickens

I hope they were the lavendars!!!!

We lost 2 of our 4 week olds this morning. Some how the tarp that was suppose to keep everything dry got flipped up and the chicks were wet and cold. Have I mentioned how much I hate the wind? 3 others were very week but quick thinking by DW saved them. Can't even tell which 3 it was anymore.
Kev- I haven't found a local place to get it...just online. Revival Animal Health, Amazon, Jeffers I think, has it too.

Everything was covered with snow when I woke up again....mostly mud now.
I have 2 buff silkie chicks that I hatched from mary robbins eggs. They are maybe 4 weeks old. Give me a few weeks to decide who I am keeping, then I will be selling a few silkie chicks. I also have black, blue, white. There are 9 total and I can't keep all of them. One of each color would be nice. I am in phoenix though, but these are nice chicks, not hatchery ick by any means.


So sorry you lost some chickies. Come over this weekend and i'll get you set up with your basque. I have 2 roos picked out for myself so that leaves the other for you. One of them is so sweet, he falls asleep all curled up in my shirt. I hope I don't have to eat him.


I have chicks hatching. Wanna trade for ducklings?
I sure hope we are done with the rain in this area. Geeze We needed it but I hate the wet and with the cold is miserable! When feeding goats and chickens last night I was hailed on! Had to hole up in the hay shed until it let up some. This morning had to go in each goat pen and dump out water in their food tubs.
Chickens got some wet. See where we need to put tarps over the chicken pens for the roofs have leaks in places. Get ready for those monsoon storms! Little chicks are still in my bed room so they are cozy. Hugs to all!
The egg is a normally coloured egg.  The silkies will be chocolate or khaki coloured.  

Laree, I take it you bred the chocolate crosses back to silkies?  Super!  I want photos!

Kinda...about 1/3 of the chicks have come back silkied. I tossed in a white silkie, which bumped it higher. Of the chicks I have hatched (or my next door neighbor) I have seen 3 chocolates...all roos, I think. I am crossing my fingers on the NYD hatch one. But I have sent eggs to friends in KS and AK, so who knows what they got!?

With the frizzle roo, the colors and feathering styles have been a real mis-mash. In a good way. Blues, lav-lookingi, frizzle, silkied, smooth. I even got a black-smooth-smooth-looking one once. He's in the pen and just looks angry all the time. Probably because he is so darn cute and HATES it.
Did I tell you all it snowed at my house yesterday? Flurries only, but honest to goodness snow!
And to answer Fuzzy's question:

HEY, I never was told what color of Silky comes out of a chocolate silky egg?

The eggs are white/pink tinted. The color of the chicken is chocolate or khaki.

Usually, with chicken breed names, the colors in the naming describe the BIRD's color, not the EGG's color. The breed name also usually includes some basic information on the origin of the breed.


Silver Laced Wyandotte: the feathers are laced with silver or white
Rhode Island Red: They have reddish feathers
French Black Copper Marans: The birds are black with a copper collar.
Barred Plymouth Rock: the feathers are barred, not the eggs.
White Leghorn: White feathers
Buff Brahma: the feathers are buff....etc.

The only "breed" that I can think of that breaks this naming convention isn't a breed: the Easter Egger. Easter Eggers are not a BREED of chicken, but a description of a type of chicken---a loose grouping of similar-looking chickens that do not hold to a specific breed standard and are known for laying different colored eggs.
One of them was and it was a boy. The other was one we got from the feed store and was suppose to be a cc marans but it had a lot of brown on it so who knows what it was?

my post was mis-spelled. I meant I hope is wasn't the lavs!!!! It is hard to type with a 2 year old sitting on my lap wanting to push all the keys.

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