Arizona Chickens

Anyone have chickens free ranging with access to an open irrigation ditch? I'm not sure If I need to worry about my girls getting in and not being able to get out. I'm also worried about them when it's full - will they try to drink from it and fall in? My babies are now 14 weeks old! I can't believe it's been that long already. They're also going great with the 3 older girls, they just get out of the way if they need to but they're ok all hanging out together!
How deep is the ditch? Concrete bottom and sides? Probably not a concern when empty, but it probably is when full.
Here is Paparikash (Jersey Giant) happily brooding her Trader Joe's Eggs. I placed them under her Friday afternoon. When do you thing development will show when candling? I used my husbands flashlight last night to try and sneak a peek. All I could see was a shadow where the yolk is, the air sack as the blunt end of the egg, and in one egg, what appeared to be reddish dot on the yolk. How often should I candle brooded eggs?

Anyone have chickens free ranging with access to an open irrigation ditch?  I'm not sure If I need to worry about my girls getting in and not being able to get out.  I'm also worried about them when it's full - will they try to drink from it and fall in?  My babies are now 14 weeks old!  I can't believe it's been that long already.  They're also going great with the 3 older girls, they just get out of the way if they need to but they're ok all hanging out together!
the only thing I would be cautious of is our gusts
of wind.. Chickens can not swim... :(
Mama Hen,

from pics that i have seen posted by speckled hen, this looks to me to be some sort of internal laying mass that she was able to expel. maybe send a pm to speckled hen with these pics attached and see what she thinks. she has had more than her fair share of hens with internal laying issues.
At first thought,
It looks like an undeveloped chick... But what do
I know... That is bizarre and a bit puzzling?
How many did you find? Was there any yolk?
Glad you took photos and shared this with us..
Good Evening to all and Welcome Newbies!!

I went out to "tuck" the girls in and I see a soft shell egg broken on the floor under my Black Sex-link, Millie. ( she just turned 2 years old)Turned on the light for a better view and I see this "blob". Not sure what it is. It is 2 inches long and spongy. When I cut it open it smelled like crab. ???? It also looked like many soft shells in a clump. Millie acts "normal" for her. Eats, drinks, poops, and does all her chicky things. Not sure what to make of this. Any guesses?

Here are pictures of the "blob".

I have to agree with the other posters that it does look a lot like an undeveloped chick. Is that hen with a rooster? What this inside the soft shelled egg? Has the hen been laying consistently or has she been on strike lately?
Mine moult in the summer every year. The stress of the heat brings it on, not matter how much you try to keep them cool. I live in Tucson btw.
What do you like to put in your nesting boxes? Hay? Pine shavings? My chicks are feathered out and looking like pullets so today they are getting put into the coop.

I am concerned about keeping them cool in this oppressive heat.
Looks good!  

Good on ya for the re-purposing too!

And welcome to the madness!
yeah dido,
Do you know what kind of chickens you
guys want? Green, brown or white eggs?
Or all of the above? Babies or already laying?
A friend that owns a farm of all sorts suggested
to us to get all ready laying.. I wanted the girls
to grow up together and not fight.. Most of our friends
that have chickens tell us that it is harder
to bring them together when they are older..
Blood and all... No thanks.. However they also
tell us that they are loosing and getting chickens
every now and then..
Not sure, since we got little ones..
Keep us posted. :D

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