Arkansas folks speak up.........

Juniors have their own jugde. He's from Arkansas, I think. So, are there 2 sets of winners?

Thanks for the info.
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It is actually two shows being held on the same day at the same time. Judge A will usually start judging Bantams and Judge B will start judging large fowl. Thus when one is judging large fowl the other moves on to Bantams. When they get done you have the chance of winning both shows and getting double points. They should all get done about the same time. At most shows, no one coops out until all birds are relaesed. This way we hope no birds accidently go home with the wrong person.
Wow! So many more pages have been added since I was last,
WELCOME. I should probally say it to myself as well! lol Since it's been so long.

This is a wonderful place, very helpful and informative.
I'm looking at the entry form for the HOTOPA and there is a column marked DC. Can someone tell me what this means. Thanks again. I've always got lots of questions.
It's fair week in Mountain Home! This will be my first year looking at the chickens through the eyes of a chicken owner.
I plan on actually looking at the breed names!

Also - I'm thinking of buying a silkie and some black cochins for $7 and crested polish for $5 (hens) - is this a good price for our area? I'd really like to have them!
Those are good prices. Are you wanting pets or birds to show?
I wish I could see the Mtn. Home Fair. I showed chicken there many years as a kid. It was my favorite time of year. Even got Junior Best of Show once.
What days and hours is the fair? We're at Jasper and might like to run over there. Are the exhibits open during the day? And last, but not least
where is the fairgrounds? Thanks!!

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