Arkansas folks speak up.........

Goodness I did not have time to read all these post!! Around 4 years worth. I cheated and jumped to the end. Hello Arkansans!! I have not been on in awhile and I am very happy there are so many more people closer to me. Right now I have one ancient meat bird as a pet (Frankenchicken) . She is the best chicken pet ever. Oh and I recently got a welsummer rooster so Frankie would not be alone. We have a brooder house set up that we want to fill in spring. I would like around 50- 100 chicks to fill it. We only want large breeds. Maybe I can get good deals from neighbors that can handle the number of chicks. What I really want are Australorps but I am willing to get other breeds in order to save money. We want to start in March of 2013. So hey neighbors let me know if you want in and we can go from there. These chicks will have to be close in ages so they can't hurt each other or need to be separated too much.
Hello and
, from Mabelvale.
Heck I'm a farmer I dont think I have ever seen late night TV
You do know it's winter in January and hard for us to travel... what do you think about helping me get one going up here.

Looked like a great turn out, sorry I missed it the wife got sick on me.
Yea I saw that on the news this morning....we wnt be getting anything today hopefully. I need to do some cleaning today, I'm going to freeze my butt off!!!! Grrrr I want some nice weather!!!! :hit
Me too I loved the weather Friday afternoon was nice to walk to the coop with only 1 pair of clothes on instead of 3! Guess the older I get the colder it feels because I don't remember it being so cold :)
Holly crape batman......who turned on the freezers??? Man it's cold out there
Heck yeah it's cold! Our thermometer said is was 17 at 7 this morning. Thank goodness it isn't windy here! They predicted last night with the wind chill that it was supposed to feel like 2 degrees! This California girl is used to warm weather and sunshine. Kind of hard for me to get used to these winters. BRRRR!

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