Arkansas folks speak up.........

I think I have some serious flooding going on in my coops, hoping to make it out there in a bit. It looks like I might have have to break out the waders. I hope everyone is surviving this rain. And tonight it is going to freeze to top it off. I haven't checked the rain gauge yet, but I bet it's overflowed.
I seen a boat for sale here in Monticello!

Hope all is well. Definitely hope the Mississippi River behaves itself!
No I agree.
Next time we will have name tags with a place for your name and your BYC name. I loved the picture on the name tag idea. That was Jim's idea

The more I learn everyone we will get it all worked out. I hope Jim and George let me continue to help out.
It was a lot of fun. I love, love, love my new NN/EEs, rabbits and quail.
sounds like you all had a good day, wish we could have been there. benton is a little to far for us to travel, hopefully there will one closer up ne-my direction. it's done nothing but pour here at the house. i haven't even been able to get to the coop today to check on everybody-hope it's not to bad in the coop. i have been able to winterize it pretty well, but still could improve here and there.

i am going to venture out tomorrow at some point, man i hope we don't get any of that nasty ice mess-that's all i need. well glad everyone had a good time and it was worth venturing out. maybe tomorrow will be a better weather day.
I wish I could have gone too. We have young children and didn't think it wise to make the long drive. If they hold one up north we will definitely go! We had very similar weather here. The coop door was frozen shut this morning and I had to bring a bucket of warm water from the house to toss over it. What a pain. This is only our second winter here and I could definitely do without the ice! All of our chickens seem fine. So hopefully, everybody's chickens do alright with all this nasty weather.
I might be looking for some white egg layers - already have white leghorns - one lays a light tan egg? She's a mix, I'm going to hatch one of her eggs to see what the chick will look like. Ive got more brown/green eggs than anything else. So what do y'all suggest for a white egg layer? Also I would love to have some blue egg layers too...does anyone have some?
The meetup was great!! Thanks so much to everyone who put everything together! It was nice to get to meet
Dr. Bramwell and his students and some new local folks!! I am so happy to learn about this thread!!
New to BYC here! I live in west Little Rock and hope to start a backyard flock this spring. I might be asking LOTS of questions, so I hope I don't annoy anyone with them!


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