Arkansas folks speak up.........

Hello is everyone? We are well, tornado a few towns down from us, and up from us, and over from us...a miss is as good as a mile. My heart goes out to everyone. We were on a field trip with our children and passed through a little community called AIN, a few miles south of was blown away...brought back such terrible memories...we were halted while they bulldozed what was left of a trailor has possessions off the road. No one was home, we talked with a neighbor man while we waited. His house was spared, got his garage...but the tree that was turned sideways just scraped his house when it went. We know of a woman who lost everything, she lives up toward Memphis...she is a fellow minister. She was not hurt, just devastated. Hope and pray all are well.
here is the newspaper ad for the auction in lonoke

Saturday, May 10 • 11:00 AM
Goats • Sheep • Calves under 6 months of age • Feeder pigs • Poultry • Rabbits • Other Caged Animals • Supplies & Equip.
King Livestock Auction
8894 Hwy 31 (betw. Lonoke & Beebe)
For info. call Robert 501-351-1867
Hi All, I just wanted to update you on the oklahoma chickenstock in poteau, ok on the ark/ok line things are coming togather and shaping up great, we still need more chickenshow entries so come on down and join the fun, Pm me for information or for a entry form or head over to the chickenstock thread for more information. thanks Mawchickkidie
Hey Arkies!

I'm in serious need of banty hens! I fnayone has any they can't take care of are just dont want, I'll take em! Breed doesn't matter, just makes things more interesting that way!


I, for one, would be fascinated to meet some tattooed and pierced chickens! How do you get them to hold still for that?

I'm Belinda--I live between Jacksonville & Cabot. I have a personal blog, Ninja Poodles! , and a community blog for the Arkansas Times , as well as a couple of other blogging projects.

My husband and I were only able to have one child, so God gave us a REALLY good one.
She's 5, and will be starting kindergarten in the fall, and is already reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, so I'm not sure what they're gonna do with her!

We have beautiful Arabian horses and one adorable Shetland pony, and a pack of poodles, most of whom are retired show champions, and one of whom is hubby's duck-hunting dog (yes, that is their original purpose, and they have the webbed feet and water-resistant coats to show for it

Poultry-wise, we have 26 Buff Orpingtons who are about 9 weeks old, 2 Araucana pullets, and 1 we haven't yet identified, and 15 Narragansett turkey poults coming in a couple of weeks.

I'd love to hear from anyone else in my area, especially if you have tips for where to buy chicks or organic feed locally!
Hello, Jen here just outside of Rohwer, Arkansas by the Great River Road. Thats way down in the southeast corner. Way out in the boonies. Very delta. Just starting in chickens after about a 30 year hiatus. Also a few poults, although not faring too well there right now. Come on down and see what hot and humid means.
Hi Belinda, I'm Trudy, live just outside of Searcy. You are not to far from me. I hear that Cabot is supposed to have a pretty good feed store, but I have never been there. I go to Rosebud to the Caldwell Milling and they have a very large selection of feed but I feed Purina to my girls so I am not sure about the organic feed. I don't know of anyone around here that sells chicks except TSC once in the spring and Wilsons Feeds in Searcy. You might call them to see if she sells the organic feed. She carries alot of feed too and she is so nice. The number for Caldwells is 501-556-5121 and the number for Wilsons Feed in Searcy is 501-268-2166 Hope one of these can help. Oh there is a feed store in Beebe to , called Beebe Farm and Ranch and the number is 501-882-6401. Trudy
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