Arkansas folks speak up.........

I cracked my first fertile egg today! Never mind that it is my white EE RueRoo who's been all over my Buff Orpington girls....
But I cracked one and it and it was fertile!
Then I fed it to my dog.
Hey, ya'll are some nice to one other I love to read and
with ya'll.. I hatched my first choc. muscovy duckling this weekend I love it. Amanda is a stepmom. She found them for me. More are due on the 13 Wed. Can't wait!!! I have bunnies to Dutch will have some for sale soon.
Aww I want ducks so bad!
I've even thought about hatching them to sell but I know I'd get attached and never be able to let them go. A chocolate duck sounds beautiful. I love choccy colored feathers.

De: I know I've told you about my favorite EE hen from the eggs that I got from you. She is "Betty the beautiful Bitty" She's a pure white EE and the most hilarious of my chickens.
Be a girl Betty! Be a girl!!!!
As soon as I open the top of the brooder, up on the waterer she goes and from there she hops to my shoulder.

AND you should see these little polish mixes! Their mohawks are growing! Sooo cute.
I have 5 Pekins and love them to bits!! I plan to get some K.Campbells and Sebbies one day, I'd like to get them now but my Husband is in the "yeah, they're cute but they poop everywhere!!" phase so I'll just wait LOL My Pekins are 5 weeks old and just loving all of this rain.

My McMurray order came in today, 2 dead but the rest all doing great. My freebie exotic is black and yellow with a big yellow tuft on it's head so I need to go look it up and see what the heck it is. One of my packing peanuts is a Partridge Rock Roo and the other pp is a Barred Rock female.


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