Arkansas folks speak up.........

Just wanted to share a funny pic of Jack showing the girls his idea of a good place to lays eggs! He makes me laugh everyday!!

My brother and i went to this place and i would HIGHLY reccomend him.

Two weeks ago, I bought 3 BO and 2 RIR from this guy. He is very friendly, and decent price--$4 each--for those two breeds. The specialty ones are pricey though. For example, $30 for a Cream Legbar chick #GTFOH and shut the front door! Much cheaper to buy online from like where I have bought day-old chicks from.
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Had a conversation yesterday with a poultry etension specialist at the UofA.
I was inquiring about vaccinating for Marek's.

He stated that there were no negatives to vaccinating, and could if I wanted, but there is a low incidence of Marek's in our area and was not necessarily a huge concern.

Towards the end of the conversation he brought up Fowl Pox.
He stated that Fowl Pox is a SIGNIFICANT concern in our area (spread by mosquitoes) and highly recommended vaccinating against Fowl Pox.
Just wanted to pass it along.

In vaccinating against fowl pox the stuff I found online said for pullets before POL.... Is there something specific to use for roosters and laying hens?
Will lice cause hen to stop laying completely? She's young. Just started laying this spring and layed almost everyday for 3 almost 4 weeks. Now nothing for 3 weeks. She's not molting. Though I did add 4 "dumb" hens to my mix lol.

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