Arkansas folks speak up.........

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! To all my Arkansan peeps! Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday!
Does anyone raise silkies? I want some more. I have 7 white and 1 blue. I would like some more with some color. If anyone has any for sale let me know. Thanks.

I'm a good way from you, close to Arkadelphia, but I have several Silkie boys I need to sell. I have at least 2 or 3 white and 1 partridge males that are between 2 to 3 months old. They are very cute. The two white are sweeties. The partridge is too after you calm him down, but he's a little jumpy when you first try to pick him up. I think he just needs to be handled more. I'm always picking up the 5 white ones trying to "make one a girl", lol!

I have a 6 month old white cockerel and a red female already, so I bought 10 Silkies, straight run, hoping to get him some more females, and I believe only 3 of the 10 are girls. Two of the girls are blue and black, so I'm keeping the blue male for them. Just hoping at least one or two of the whites are girls, but.... You know how it goes!

I also have one little red one, but I'm not sure if it's a boy or girl yet, and I'm not sure if I'm keeping him/her or not. I think I prefer the blue/black/splashs color more, and I don't have enough room for every color.

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Hello all, I am currently in Cabot just north of Little Rock. Does anyone near here have any Silkie pullets that they will be wanting to sell/get rid of sometime this spring? Can't have a rooster (though I would really like to have one) but don't think they neighbors would like it to much. I am also looking for a small chicken coop for at least 6 chickens, if anyone has one let me know. Happy Holidays!!!
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