Arkansas folks speak up.........

Will lice cause hen to stop laying completely? She's young. Just started laying this spring and layed almost everyday for 3 almost 4 weeks. Now nothing for 3 weeks. She's not molting. Though I did add 4 "dumb" hens to my mix lol.
Yes, if you have a parasite infestation it can cause a bird to stop laying. If you think you have bugs, treat all your flock because what one has, so do the others.

Also, if there is a flock change, i.e. adding new members, that can stress a bird and cause them to quit for a while. Just check to be sure she is not being bullied by the new additions.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
ISO: Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. If anyone out there has any for sale or knows someone who does, please PM me! Thanks!

I have a friend who is looking. Any leads would be appreciated.
I have several 4wk old buff orpington chicks. (Most of the males are definitely going to end up in freezer camp) but I'd be willing to trade a pullet or two for a couple of easter eggers or ameracaunas pullets, if someone close to me has any extra available. I'm in the Batesville area.
Newbie here : so with this bad weather and thunderstorms do you just keep chickens inside for the daybc you know its going to be bad weather. Or do they know to come in and not drown. I heard chickens will stare at the sky and drown if it's taking hard ( is that folks tale)? Thanks
That’s a folk tale. I leave my pop door open every day of the year and let the chickens decide what to do. For example, it was 4 degrees above zero when I took this.


It was around freezing when I took this.


I don’t have any in the rain because I never considered it important.
I am going to purchase the large Snap-Lock chicken coop tonight at work, once my paycheck hits the ole bank account. Does anyone have it or the smaller version? I will post a picture of it once it arrives and is put together. The ad claims it'll house 12-15 chickens, so we shall see because soon I will have about 15 hens.
I am going to purchase the large Snap-Lock chicken coop tonight at work, once my paycheck hits the ole bank account. Does anyone have it or the smaller version? I will post a picture of it once it arrives and is put together. The ad claims it'll house 12-15 chickens, so we shall see because soon I will have about 15 hens.

That will be a very crowded hen house. That's a bit over one square foot per bird. Like having a caged bird. I would figure at least four square feet per bird and even then, that is a bit crowded. If they are just staying in there overnight, that would be okay, but if they ever have to spend some time in it, way too crowded. If you attach a large covered run, it would be more bearable for them.
That will be a very crowded hen house. That's a bit over one square foot per bird. Like having a caged bird. I would figure at least four square feet per bird and even then, that is a bit crowded. If they are just staying in there overnight, that would be okay, but if they ever have to spend some time in it, way too crowded. If you attach a large covered run, it would be more bearable for them.

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