Arkansas folks speak up.........

If you like plays a very good one is at Theater Squared at Nadine Baum Studios. The name is “I and You” and it starts at 2:00 pm Sunday. I’m not sure what a ticket would cost if it is not sold out.
Hey guys! I've really been enjoying my stay in Springdale, Arkansas! I have the weekend off so I have been doing a bit of exploring. Today, I went hiking outside of Fayetteville with a friend who is down here and then stopped for lunch in the center of Fayetteville, which was very nice. I may go see a movie tonight. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow. Anyone have any suggestions?

I've been learning a ton about the broiler business. So far it's been a great experience! I also got to visit Tennessee and Missouri. Next week, I'm going to Louisiana and Texas.

Eureka Springs is always a treat. Probably about an hour northeast of Fayetteville. Make sure you visit the historic Crescent Hotel. Ghost Hunters did a show on it once.

If Louisiana is on your list and you are far enough south there, make sure you try the gumbo and some freshly made boudin!
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Welp, I'm heading back up north today! I've had a great time in Arkansas and ended up visiting six states in two weeks! I learned a ton and really enjoyed my time in the Springdale area. Maybe next time I'm in the area, I will be able to meet up with some BYC peeps!
I just found a crazy hen sitting a clutch of eggs. Guess I'll be wintering babies!

I’ll be watching for updates to see how it goes for you. I broke a broody a couple of weeks ago, a pullet hatched in February. I’m in the subtraction part of chicken math, trying to get down to my winter numbers. I just don’t need any more chicks right now. If one goes broody in February I’ll be happy but what are the odds of that?
I’ll be watching for updates to see how it goes for you. I broke a broody a couple of weeks ago, a pullet hatched in February. I’m in the subtraction part of chicken math, trying to get down to my winter numbers. I just don’t need any more chicks right now. If one goes broody in February I’ll be happy but what are the odds of that?
This was totally un-planned. I have been a bit distracted the last few weeks with unexpected Alpaca babies.

We got the two mamas in April and they were not supposed to be bred and we came home 3 weeks ago to a surprise from the black girl. So I was busy nurse maiding and being sure all was well. 10 days later came baby number 2.

I had been planning on worming chickens and other chores but that got delayed until the 1st. So I set out my list (I only have 23 birds) to check off and make sure I caught and got the first round of wormer down everyone and one girl was missing. I (thought) I looked everywhere. Could not find her. So I thought that in my distraction with the babies she had gotten out and a hawk (she is a banty) or some other criter had gotten her. Everyone is molting so a few extra feathers floating around would NOT be noticed. I just chalked her up as gone.

Got in the coop yesterday to clean and move some things around and unstacked some crates I had piled in the corner an the bottom crate was a bit heaver than it should be. There she was with a dozen eggs. Candled last night and culled 3 but good little wigglers in all the others but they are obviously in different development stages. I have NO idea whose eggs they are as I have gotten zero eggs the last couple of weeks. Pullets haven't started and I thought all the hens had quit to molt, so, nothing like a true surprise!


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