Arrgh! Tomorrow is Nat'l Talk Like a Pirate Day!

As a faithful Pastafarian, it's heartwarming to see so many people embrace this great and holy day. Arrr!
Ahaarrrr me hearties, well shiver me timbers... tis a BYC pirate convention.... pieces of eight (whoops that's the parrot!) .... what ye all be adoing... where be me treasure..... you thar scurvvy cabin boy. flagon of wine and rum for all this day, for we are about to drop anchor BYC Bay.. ahaaaaaaar..........
Funny... I don't remember Long John Silver talking this way.
*Goes to look at Treasure Island*
Nope. Cap'n Silver never once said "Aaarrrr" or "me mateys." Actually, none of the other pirates did. I think the stereotypical "pirate talk" is actually based on his parrot. Yes, I am being an obnoxious know-it-all (even though, aside from the Treasure Island stuff, I have no clue what I am talking about). No, I have never heard a real pirate talk, but I think they speak some African language that I can't remember the name of. What's the official language of Somalia?

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