Artificial turf


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2018
Southern California
I’m currently brooding a flock of 8 chickens and have just managed to complete the coop build.
In approximately two weeks the girls will have their new home.
I do however recognize they will need to stay in coop/run for 30 days so that they know where home is.
I have their coop on concrete, as well as run. I’d like to throw down fake grass, temporarily of course until the 30 days is up then I will have free range chickens.
Do we know if this is a terrible idea for indigestion purposes? Or do we know if they will NOT eat the fake grass if they manage to bring it up?

Thanks for your time!
I personally wouldn't risk it. Chickens will try to eat styrofoam, trash plastic and metal... one of mine eats concrete. :confused: I would just use something like pine shavings to provide cushion in the coop, allow for easy clean up, and give them something to dig in as well.
Thank you.
I’ve been reading up on using natural sand. Seems to be a huge hit inside coop and run. Way easier to clean up as well. Much like a cats litter box.

EWE, cats litter box... If you like cleaning poop and smelly sand go for it. I use deep litter and have not cleaned it out in a year, I just keep adding more hay or leaves and paper from my shredder. No smells at all, its about a foot deep.

Welcome to BYC!

I do however recognize they will need to stay in coop/run for 30 days so that they know where home is.
It won't take 30 days.
Maybe a week to 'home' them to the coop.

Are these chicks or full grown birds?
To start free ranging let them out an hour before roost time,
they won't go too far and will head back to coop to roost.
Second day, let them out just a tad earlier.....and so on.

Sand can work well in dry climates.
Adding your general state location can really help garner better answers/suggestions, it's easy to do then it's always there!
Thank you.
We reside in souther California. Pretty dry.
The girls are about 8 weeks of age.
That’s interesting you stated only 1 week. I’ve been told by several people 30 days, which honestly I thought was way too long.
I figured their natural instinct would kick in within days.

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