Ascites?? Swollen, squishy abdomen - WITH PICS & VIDEO (page 9)

Glad to hear it :) I just wanted to thank you - I'm going through the same thing with one of my hens... it's been so helpful to be able to read through your posts! She's been sick for weeks now, and I really had no idea what it was until recently. We've drained her a couple times and it really seemed to give her relief. She's been walking around in spurts and then plopping down and sitting for sometime's hours. She is still food motivated and drinks good amounts of water. I too am just trying to keep her as comfortable and happy as possible. Thank you
So sorry to hear you are going through the same thing, but I'm happy that I could help. They do seem to feel better after they are drained. Sounds like you are doing everything possible for your girl and she is in good hands! Good luck. :)
Hi There, I'm so glad Buttercup is doing better as of 5/22/12! I still miss Peep! She was so sweet! Thanks for all your help with Peep and moral support! It helped to know I was not alone through this ordeal. Chickens really steal our hearts away for sure! I love my girls and how they talk to me. Well, I gotta get back to work. I just wanted to say thank you again and good luck with Buttercup! The roller coaster is difficult indeed!
OMealyFarm - Thanks for the kind words! I'm sure you will miss Peep for a while to come. Sounds like she was a sweet girl! Thanks for your support as well. It really does help to know you're not in this alone!

KinsleyFarm - How's your girl doing?
She was doing great today. Taking dust baths and was being vocal( she's usually the loudest of all!) She's on day 3 of Baytril. Her abdomen feels almost normal - though still discolored (yellowish). I'm bracing myself for her to go down hill again. But as for now she seems quite happy :) At least I think I have a better idea of what's going on and what I should do if I see her in such bad shape again...
Thank you for asking! How's your girl?

Sorry to hear about Peep OMealyFarm!
KinsleyFarm - I'm glad she's doing great! Sounds like you are doing everything you can for her, so great job :) Buttercup is still doing ok, no changes really since the last time I drained her. Still playing the watch and wait game. Thanks for asking :)
So did you ever do the milk thistle extract? If Buttercup is laying internally is there not anything that can be done to fix that?

The only thing is a complete hysterectomy. It's a genetic/hormone based malfunction. Most don't make it through the hysterectomy due to their sensitivity to anesthesia, as well as the fact that most are gravely ill by the time the owner gets to the point of considering the surgery.

There is no prevention, no cure, unfortunately.
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Yep, what speckledhen said. From what I understand, milk thistle extract is used when fatty liver disease is the underlying cause of ascites. Unfortunately in Buttercup's case she is laying internally, so this wouldn't help.
I did not know they have problems with anesthesia. One of my hens broke her leg a week ago and they said they could only fix it with surgery. The vet told me I would not ever be able to eat her eggs again due to the anesthesia but not that she might not make it!! I hate that there is nothing that can be done with the internal egg laying. I just thought maybe giving more calcium might help. I didn't know. I have a Buff Orpington with possible fatty liver I guess I need to try and find some milk thistle extract. where do you get it?
I really hope everything turns out well with Buttercup!! I absolutely love my girls and I cry like a baby when I lose one. It is not easy!! Hang in there!!

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