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oh yummy.... love that noodle face..... :love     I could never get the broth right....  do you roast beef bones then use them for the broth?



Wish i had beef knuckle but this did it, seared around the sides then flipped up on end

Gotta cook that marrow out. Really pulling some flavor from it

Adding some liquid to the mix.
Redwine, soy and fish sauce. And scraped out the marrow to really enrich the flavor. Boil and pour

Noodles have been good, shared well among family and friends.
Oh mannn.... I would have to put a muzzle on.... that bone marrow wouldnt make it into the broth.... When I was a kid mom would bring home marrow bones and wed cook em up eat the marrow and gnaw on the crispy bits attached to the out side.....
She'd also make little raw hamburger balls and eat them while she made hamburgers for dinner. Of course Id join her. little salt and pepper.....
. That was back in '60s when buutcher shops processed all their meat and made their own hamburger. I think i was about eight or nine years old then

Maybe I just never knew what they were before I moved to the south. lol

Good luck with growing your peas when you go home.
Surely you can order them online before then. My sister grocery shops through Amazon for a lot of things.
We love battered and fried okra even left over and cold the next day! Good as popcorn!

I hope the gentleman that started this thread does not get upset about us carrying on, on his thread.

I can get seed for sure and dried and canned and frozen.... But getting fresh unshelled blackeyed peas here in San Diego.... havent seen them for more than thirty years. Same goes for english peas.... Love em and another that I would like to grow myself. Want to do Aquaponics in my green house room I suspect all will do famously. growing tilapia and freshwater prawns and using the water for the hydro garden....

LOve your swimming pools....How do you keep the roots from being drowned in moisture though.

We don't have fresh peas like that in our grocery stores either. We buy dried beans mostly, but you can find frozen shelled purple hull or black eyed peas and others.
But I can get better prices on dried.
We have some local farmers that do aquaponics with the fish for recycling the water.
My plants are in 7 gallon bags of soil so they drink the water they need. My float keeps the water level at 2 1/2" with an over flow hole at 3" so they won't drown.
My strawberries are that big from the rabbit bedding I put in the soil. I had a rabbit in a temporary cage with hay in the bottom of it. So all the hay and rabbit pellets and droppings got mixed into the potting soil. I just bought these plants in April and they were bare root. So they have come along nicely. But next year they will produce a nice healthy crop of berries for us.They are producing runners like crazy now.
I can get seed for sure and dried and canned and frozen.... But getting fresh unshelled blackeyed peas here in San Diego.... havent seen them for more than thirty years. Same goes for english peas.... Love em and another that I would like to grow myself. Want to do Aquaponics in my green house room I suspect all will do famously. growing tilapia and freshwater prawns and using the water for the hydro garden....

LOve your swimming pools....How do you keep the roots from being drowned in moisture though.

oh yummy.... love that noodle face..... :love     I could never get the broth right....  do you roast beef bones then use them for the broth?



Wish i had beef knuckle but this did it, seared around the sides then flipped up on end

Gotta cook that marrow out. Really pulling some flavor from it

Adding some liquid to the mix.
Redwine, soy and fish sauce. And scraped out the marrow to really enrich the flavor. Boil and pour

Noodles have been good, shared well among family and friends.

Add this bones to any stew and you upgrade it!

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