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Soap box is a Colloquial term in the US....  Back in the olden days people who wanted to speak their opinion to a large crowd would drag up a crate turn it upside down and stand on it so everyone could hear what they were saying.    I too have many....  subjects that will get me to drag up the soap box.

yup that about covers it. Lol.
Happy 4th of July to all of you! Wish to your grate country security, peace and prosperity !




Ah okay, makes sense. I usually just say 'get on my high horse', or 'don't get on your high horse.'
Ah okay, makes sense. I usually just say 'get on my high horse', or 'don't get on your high horse.'

same application. kind of different connotation though.

get off your high horse means: do not act like you are better than everyone else
get off your soap box means: stop preaching to us, don't be such a crusader

I am a preacher..... I will speak about what it is that I am passionate about.... But I am no better than anyone out there. Prove me wrong about something I may hate it and do a bunch of more research but I Will always be grateful... Maybe not as gracious as I should....
but grateful to learn something new.

To answer the first question.... I am doing well. My health hasnt been the best so been concentrating on getting medications re adjusted. Blood pressure meds had me so dizzy I couldnt stand without having something close by to put my hand on. They made me retain water too so my weight shot up again..... REally frustrating gaining back ten pounds out of that forty I initially lost... got me very depressed.

I have been clinically depressed for many years but have avoided medication for it. Recent additions of stress caused me to have several anxiety episodes.... I now have insurance for the first time in a bout fifteen years and have finally sought out medication for it.

Its early Half dose for first seven days and then I go on full dose then it will be another two weeks after that before I learn if its really working for me.

The new Blood Pressure medication Gave me back my balance already.... just three days on it. this morning Before i even sat down I was up straighteing the kitchen and puttering before I realized how long I had been standing without getting dizzy... YAY.

So my weight loss journey can continue.... Diet And Exercise is the key..... and I had been up to 1200 steps per day so the next step is to get those back up and then some. I have a goal of 3000 steps per day in the next three months.

I lean toward Paleo when I can but some of the stuff I simply cant eat. The next step is getting some dental work. So I will be continuing with my Salmon.... eggs.... steamed veggies and poultry. And Sushi....


Everything i have read from you is inspirational! Keep up the good wotk, i am happy for you to have found what sounds like the right mix of medicines to get you healthy and stabilized
comeback soon!!

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