At last! How to stop your rooster crowing - maybe

I have a silver spangled hamburg named Sammy who does not stop crowing. But it's soo funny when I interrupt his crow by scaring or spraying him wih the hose. He runs off screaming. Too funny
I think stopping a rooster from crowing is a real not smart thing to do.. That is totally redonkulas and bordering inhumane. If you don't want a crowing rooster, don't own a rooster. Simple at that. Cook em up, or give them away, but don't try to keeping them from crowing.

That's like trying to get a hen to quit laying eggs because you don't like eggs... Say WHA?! Bizzare.
We got a cockerel by accident, he was sexed as a pullet. I wouldn't mind him crowing but it would annoy my mother and our neighbors. We gave him away, there's no way I would kill a pet chicken.
Research caponizing, neutering a rooster. Chances are, not vet around you knows how to do it, but may try it. Capons shouldn't crow or show aggression since the male hormones are gone. Caponizing was usually done without anaesthesia, but a vet will most likely use it. We accidentally got a cockerel, we gave him away, but I hoped we could get him caponized. Research it to see if it interests you. It can be done surgically or hormonally(don't do hormonal method if you plan to eat the bird.) Here's how to do it yourself, WARNING it's sorta graphic.
i live in a old small town in the mountains of washington state. In the summer when the sun starts comming up (to taffy anyway) especially early he will loudly crow for along time.. my neighbors dont appreciate a 3:45am crow in the morning on a Saturday. So i bring my roo inside and he "sleeps in" in his dark crate. if i forget to bring him in when i go to sleep and he starts crowing too early i go pick him up and he comes in and goes back to sleep in his room. It has worked for me and is a comfortable and safe solution for all.
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Thanks Annabelle that's a great idea. I'm new to chickens and my rooster Feathers is at my front door 4AM without fail but my husband is furious so have to come up with something.
I understand you may want to silence your roo. But if it really does bother you, get rid of him. Crowing is something roosters do. Just like pecking is something chickens do. And roosting is something birds do. My point is, don't silence him :).
So, no-one has successfully trained a boy to "stop"? I suppose I should just be grateful that I've trained them to stay in the yard :p But, my young new dominant has recently made it known that he's the new head honcho and now he won't let anyone forget! The neighbours don't mind, i don't mind, but sometimes enough is enough already! And now, after a 30-second break, here he goes again...:he
Use a knife to stop your rooster from crowing! There is simply no other way. Not all doom and gloom! I found a simple way to stop rooster from crowing. Guaranteed!

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