At last! How to stop your rooster crowing - maybe

[COLOR=797774]You are definitely right to keep that Rooster.  He is a good friend to all of you and his girls and does a good job of protecting them from foes.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=797774]They might even get sick without him, then where would you be.  Chickens and Roosters have souls IMHO.  Doesn't your husband know that?  When you give a Rooster away you are giving him over to a dinner plate rest assured so why do it?  [/COLOR]
[COLOR=797774]I have three,  Would not give them up for that reason even though they have a tendency to be territorial with their hens which would not be a problem but I have just the 7 hens so the 10% error is not working here at all.  The oldest is the kindest and smartest and I rescued him from a pulmonary infection and he was gifted to me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=797774]He is also possessive but only for his two remaining hens.  He does not interfere which I call smart.   It might be pecking order in part because the new copper moran is the fightenist, loudest, chronic caller I have ever met.  I daily douse him with water to shut him up.[/COLOR]
     Angie if you can muffle the coop with insulation, I use hot water heater wrap, or with extra boarding and covering holes that are not for ventilation, or just uncover when you get up, this might do a lot to keeping the boy with his family. You included.  I am sending you my positive vibes for a peaceful solution.
I just realized I missed your feed back. So we did end up using the Velcro collar. I watched a great video of a very healthy, happy rooster wearing one. He was mating, eating, drinking and keeping his girls in line. Making sure they all got chances to eat. No one was being picked on ect... I felt instead of him in soup we would try this avenue. We all love him. He is great with the kids. I don't have to watch my back. I know there are very strong opinions about this topic. For our family it works ! I'm glad people understand we still consider them/him family. If he is comfortable, why not? As many roosters that are thrown away alive in piles scrambling for life so people can have hens. I feel he has a home with many good qualities. I'm all for the collar!! If it's going to keep the flock safe and not harm him... We are currently looking for more property. He's happy!
It's 6:39am in Melbourne, Australia, and Schnitzel, our young light Sussex rooster is experiencing his first morning with a home made collar. We made and fitted it last night, basing the design on that within the youtube video with the 2" Velcro band (
). I awoke several times during the wee hours this morning worried as he wasn't crowing. It's probably been a rough nights sleep for him getting used to his new adornment. He's awake now though, crowing, but with so much less penetration and frequency. As recommended for the first few days, it's still only a very loose fit, but I don't think we'll have to tighten too much at all anyway. Where he'd be belting out the long finale in each crow, it sounds like a small car hitting a rev limiter. My wife leaves early for work and hasn't heard him yet, but she'll be stoked on the weekend when she awakes from an undisturbed sleep in. I'm sure our neighbours will be overjoyed now, regardless of them saying it wasn't a bother to begin with.

There are probably still a few design features to develop, but this is Mk.I and it demonstrates the concept of restricting the volume of airflow required to produce the solid crow. Schnitzel is defiantly definitely incocknito now!
It's 6:39am in Melbourne, Australia, and Schnitzel, our young light Sussex rooster is experiencing his first morning with a home made collar. We made and fitted it last night, basing the design on that within the youtube video with the 2" Velcro band (
). I awoke several times during the wee hours this morning worried as he wasn't crowing. It's probably been a rough nights sleep for him getting used to his new adornment. He's awake now though, crowing, but with so much less penetration and frequency. As recommended for the first few days, it's still only a very loose fit, but I don't think we'll have to tighten too much at all anyway. Where he'd be belting out the long finale in each crow, it sounds like a small car hitting a rev limiter. My wife leaves early for work and hasn't heard him yet, but she'll be stoked on the weekend when she awakes from an undisturbed sleep in. I'm sure our neighbours will be overjoyed now, regardless of them saying it wasn't a bother to begin with.

There are probably still a few design features to develop, but this is Mk.I and it demonstrates the concept of restricting the volume of airflow required to produce the solid crow. Schnitzel is defiantly definitely incocknito now!

Thanks for the video, sounds/looks like the most successful design yet! I just made one, 3" wide, and will be putting it on tonight. With the earlier mornings, the crowing has also started earlier; but, now that summer finally arrived and people are sleeping with the windows open, my boy has been waking the neighbourhood at 5:30am! Someone actually hunted my husband down at his work to complain, so it's either silence him or butcher him before I ruin things for the other chicken- and rooster-keepers in the area. Sucks, but I heard rumour that, despite my zoning, there's apparently a bylaw against having poultry :( So, gotta do what I can to keep the peace!
I lined the inside of the chicken coop with acoustic ceiling tiles. I took them from the offices next door to ours during a refurbishment and mounted them on the ceiling and walls of my coop with double sided tape. These tiles are designed to absorb and muffle noise. It helps a great deal and insulates the coop as well. The rooster can still crow but it is very muffled and is now softer than the other birds that get up early and make a noise such as the Egyptian Geese and Hadedah Ibises. Any ideas on how to get a goose to shut up?
Here's a link to a company that started out, with the same idea of the collars. They created the collar for their own purposes, and friends found out about it, and asked for copies, and thus a business was formed. They're not too expensive, and they do ship internationally.

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