Attack of the killer chickens??


9 Years
Jun 24, 2010
Winters, CA

Every time I tell someone about my lovely ladies, I get this:

"Really? Ew, I hate chickens"
"I'm afraid of chickens"
"You pick them up? Aren't you scared they're going to peck you?"


Why is everyone afraid of chickens? They are wonderful, sweet, and all around awesome birds! Well, one of mine is an anti-social (insert bad word here), but the others are just great!

Anyone else get this??
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Two of my friends are totally freaked out by the idea of mites. Doesn't matter that I tell 'em I've checked, and I treat and pre-treat pre-emptively for such things, they still think chickens - ALL CHICKENS - are crawling with mites.
I know what you mean. I even have a daughter(grown) that is scared to death of them cause IF she does go out back they all come running for treats. Guess shes afraid they'll rip her throat out
At work I hear you have to clean the poo? yes if I dont who will. Then they think thats gross but think nothing of picking up dog poo. Makes no sense to me. And I tell them my pets give me eggs what do yours do for you.
'''.don't pay them no mind--some people are just opinionated .....
...., or , afflicted withh a mild case of optical rectivitus , and that is when their eyeballs are connected to their poop shute and gives them a shallow vision of everything joyfull arround them
My neighbors thought that, too. In their defense though, she had horses and the place where she boarded them had chickens, and the chickens gave all the animals in the barn mites. I had to explain that they weren't taking care of their chickens properly, and her husband said, "OH!"

My SIL is afraid of them, even the baby chicks. LOL She did well though when I was in the hospital with my son, she took care of them for a few days until I could get my friend to come get them. She is a city person, though. LOL

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