Attention west tennessee

Hey Bebop,
Just a thought. If your looking for sustainability, I would suggest you also get some quail from Catcobb. They are smaller and easier to house in a smaller secure area and are ready to lay and eat the extra by atleast 8 weeks.
If you find any dorking please pass the source on to me!
Welcome Bebop. I reuse pallets that are dump in land fills and such to build my coops out of. As far as chickens i have silkie/frizzles for sale and can hold if needed. I also have welsummers, RIR's, and many others i'm hatching and breeding when you get ready. Between me and some of west tn others fine backyardchicken members can fix u up with feathered friends. As far as gardening i'm not a good one to talk to.
i was just looking at quails! i love quail eggs in soup!
Thanks for the suggestion!
I will sure let you know about the dorkings. I probably will need to get them shipped in, but don't really want to, because how sustainable is that?
Aw man, I really wish I get some from you tomorrow (if some are ready)! We're just having a bit of money problems and trying to talk the hubby into getting some birds sooner than later. We eat a lot of eggs, why not?! I have like 6.40 in my paypal, which is the free money. i'm really hoping to sell some handmade stuff and plants, so hopefully, in the next few weeks, i'll have extra dough for chickens.
Hey will have to start making some chicken diapers and saddles and maybe you could sell those to BYC'ers!

CatCobb1983 - wish I could buy that 3 wheeler...does it run pretty good? I need something to putt around the farm on

cwc362 - so sorry you're not feeling well, but at least the rain is good for the gardens - maybe you can work on the shed this week sometime

I have an egg pippin' in the 'bator now! I don't want to go to bed!

I may have some extra wood and stuff that I could pass on when I get my coop addition finished - I will let you all know if I do...

i don't have any pictures right now but i can take some tomorrow for ya. The silkie/frizzles i have for sale aren't laying yet they're just pullets and little roo's. my RIR's are 2-3 week old chicks. If your wanting just eggs to eat? I have one RIR/mix that will be 15 weeks old Friday. So She should start laying in a couple of weeks or so.
omg rebecca thanks for the idea! if you ever played final fantasy, they have chocobos, which are basically huge battle chickens, which means, i'm making saddles lol
let me know about the extras, that would be so cool.

timbo, i'm looking for dual purpose, but willing to take anything. let me know how much your asking for her, maybe we work something out.

thanks guys!

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