Attention west tennessee

So sorry I can't meet with everyone on Sat 18th but I have to work. Maybe next time.

I hesitate to put this on here without permission but I know a place where a lot of chicks are hatched out very near here. The set up looked nice. I was there in the summer but as far as I know he is still in business. Anyway if you need a baby chick right away, Rebecca, PM me and I will tell you about it. Then you can get more at the swap meet.

Cat Cobb I sure hope you'll have more barred rocks in the spring. I just can't do babies right now as my DH would probably make them motherless!!!!! (and I wouldn't even get to meet you all)!
Hope you guys have a good meet I would like to come but will be out of state with the family on vacation, Maybe next time.

Gina the partridge silkie is doing great!
I'm glad to hear she is fine. I miss her,but I know she is much happier with other silkies. She should be almost old enough to lay.
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ejones1961 and Carolyn - I wish you all could come, but we will have to try to meet again soon. We will let you know how it goes and everything.

I got to work on my coop addition a lot this weekend! Got the roof on and the 2x4's up for the walls...still have a little ways to go, but this will allow me to have 3 separate pens so I can have some pure breeds.

I have a weirdo question for anyone going to the meet. Would anyone have 1 or 2 fold up tables they could bring (I would gladly rent them for a few dollars) or know if the feed store would have a couple to borrow? I want to bring my pillows and purses that we make with animals on them. Also I need directions as we will be coming from Kentucky.

There is no cost. Idon't see why not. I used to set up and sell eggs every saturday. That was when I had about 60 hens. Now that I only have about 25 hens,I don't have that many extras.
I'm going to see if my mother in law has a table. Hopefully, someone will buy stuff from me, so I can get my chooks!

EDIT: Want to show off something I made!
It's a small reversible bag/purse!


sorry to ask, but i don't usually make bags like this, and wouldn't know how much to sell it for.. what do you guys think?
i was thinking like $10...

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