ATTN Buster......Buster's SS chicks

Hey Buster - you wanna trade? I have a cute little Roo here with your name on it!
I have no money to send neutral

That's probably ok since the last adventure that the two of us had with the PO ended so poorly anyway.

big_smile Hey Buster - you wanna trade? I have a cute little Roo here with your name on it!

You met Ryan- think HE'D go for it???​
Ryan would TOTALLY go for it... I mean how much trouble could one little chick BE?

I can send my ROOSTER to you in Ginja's crate... and you can send that odd ball you have back -

You want a roo don't you?
Yeah! Where have YOU been?

He's working on a red SS right now.......... still trying to work out the odd bits but coming along really well.
Shhhh, how'd you find out! You have to be on a secret special waiting list to get one. I'm on the one for next year, I'll get 2 so you can process one and teach the other one to fetch

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