Attn Northern folks---Putting chicks out in coop???????

after 1 week old i moved 55 chicks out to their coop with 2 heat lamps in case one blows out, they have thrived ever since, huge for 5 week olds! i just couldn't stand the smell anymore while in my basement!
I think your idea about 2 lights is really wise. I went and got another one this morning.

They were all alive and kicking this am. I awoke at 1 and 4 am this morning and made the trek to the coop in the cold! They were snuggled under the heat lamp, but today, are back wandering around.

Hopefully the bitter cold will hold off for a few more weeks.
well I'm not in the north, but here in Flagstaff it's getting pretty cold!! I put my chicks out at 6 weeks, with a heat lamp (really just a 100-watt lightbulb in the reflector dish) in the hen-house, and they did fine. They were very happy actually! At night they get under the light, and during the day they go outside into the coop and the winds blows on them and they seem fine.

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