August 2023 hatch-a-long

Ugh, too many threads where I'm talking about eggs and babies, I forgot to mention things here where I'm supposed to!!! :th

Out of the five foster eggs, three survived. One I found dead under the hen, the other dead and half-zipped.

Now with her own eggs, they started hatching today! She's being good and still hasn't moved off the nest, but lets me lift her up and check on the littles. She and they have food right there so Mopsy doesn't need to get up.

So far, two more chicks (adorable little things with white spots!) and one that died while hatching. Over half of these eggs fell off the ridge though, so I don't know if they'll all hatch. There were originally nine I think, including the cracked one that I tossed.

Here she is with the first three (foster) chicks.


LOVE those poofy legs!

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