August Hatch-A-Long!

Do you think that I could place my bator chicks that will be born 1 week earlier than my chicks hatched by broody in with them a day or so after those have hatched? Or should I keep them separated. I'd like the hens to raise them but not if there's going to be casualties.
I have no experience with broody hens but it seems logical that if you were going to sneak the incubator chicks under her you should do it at the same time her eggs hatch, not a day or so later. Once she takes a head count won't she realize the bigger extras were not there before?
I wanted to know the exact breed of my mystery chicks (hatched store bought eggs this weekend) so I sent an email to the owner of the poultry farm where the eggs came from. I told her that I hatched out four chicks and included a picture of them.

Now just waiting to hear back from her.
They can count? lol! well I thought about that I just don't know that they're all going to hatch on the same day... long story short one hen went broody on top 6 eggs, I gave her an extra 5 at night but once she went broody her daughter decided to go broody too, but she wasn't done laying.. so she laid an extra 2 eggs (as of yesterday after I numbered them). They mom went broody last Friday and the last egg was laid sun or mon. I've heard they'll stay on the eggs until they've all hatched but that wouldn't allow her to properly care for the ones that have hatched. However, I do believe either way it will work out since there are 2 hens sharing 13 eggs... so what's another 10 more ... that may be a little much for them... don't you think???
Dust bathing must be as instinctual as walking for chicks. They took their first one when they were just a day old and now at 3 & 4 days old they have had at least three! It is sooooo funny to watch!
hello there
I think my 8-6 hatch I think is over. It started on the 5th this morning the 7 th no more had hatched this last night at midnight.
Those chicks need to come out and get a drink.
6 crested legbars I think 3 girls and 3 boys. 14 eggs set Shipped eggs very happy that many hatched.
5 EE? amerucana splash roo. 10 eggs set
There was 24 eggs. My EEs don't hatch real well. lots unfertile eggs. And the ones that do I get alot of roosters.
Oh PS I left the eggs going just in case there is some slow pokes.
Next hatch due 8-10 wyandottes shipped eggs. and brown leghorns homegrown
Happy Hatching
They can count? lol! well I thought about that I just don't know that they're all going to hatch on the same day... long story short one hen went broody on top 6 eggs, I gave her an extra 5 at night but once she went broody her daughter decided to go broody too, but she wasn't done laying.. so she laid an extra 2 eggs (as of yesterday after I numbered them). They mom went broody last Friday and the last egg was laid sun or mon. I've heard they'll stay on the eggs until they've all hatched but that wouldn't allow her to properly care for the ones that have hatched. However, I do believe either way it will work out since there are 2 hens sharing 13 eggs... so what's another 10 more ... that may be a little much for them... don't you think???

I honestly have no idea, LOL, I do hope you will share whatever you end up doing so I can learn something about broody hens before I have one :)

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