August Hatch-A-Long!

Its day 5 for me with 20 quail and 5 chickens in there. Was wondering.....a dark free floating blob in the egg indicates a dead egg right? The egg in question is from my cochin hen so it is brown and kinda hard to see inside for veins.
I think you might be right but I wouldn't give up on it since it's only day 5. I really don't know anything useful about quail.

I found my first two eggs from my flock today! Woo hoo! They're from my Black Laced Red Wyandotte. I've had her penned up with my Blue Copper Splash Marans. I'm seriously thinking about collecting the eggs for the next two weeks and throwing them in the bator. My current hatch is due out the 21st. Has anyone had any luck with new layers having good fertile eggs. I've seen the Marans, um, fertilizing several times.
Maybe I can hatch an egg. I will cancel everything for 21 days. I have a leather couch and a leather recliner.
That's something I'd do.
I'm only buying essentials. Stuff to make another incubator, stuff to take care of my chickens and more eggs.
I am not married, I can spend my money on whatever I want but I have to build my chicken coop by myself.
ROFL, yes you should give brooding a try! Being married and single both have their +'s and -'s don't they?
Well, the one with just a pip was also the one that pipped first (again) so I went ahead and just pulled it out and peeled back a little outer membrane and confirmed it died on pip :( Apparently hit a big blood vessel. I can't see the beak at all so I guess it pipped and then tried to move and then bled to death :( I candled and you can see blood all along the internal edge of the membrane inside :( Poor baby - almost made it! I am goign to leave the other two a while longer since they have at least made it through some zipping. I think they are OK for now. I am going to quickly snatch on of the shipped eggs and check for an internal pip or sign of life.

Oh goodness! It's a wonder these guys live at all...they need to have a medical degree just get out of their own shell. So glad we humans don't have to literally claw our way into the world...Especially since I gave birth twice, LOL!
I found my first two eggs from my flock today! Woo hoo! They're from my Black Laced Red Wyandotte. I've had her penned up with my Blue Copper Splash Marans. I'm seriously thinking about collecting the eggs for the next two weeks and throwing them in the bator. My current hatch is due out the 21st. Has anyone had any luck with new layers having good fertile eggs. I've seen the Marans, um, fertilizing several times.

I've got three eggs in the bator right now from my 7 mo hen and 13 week old cockerel. So far all three are developing normally, one is in lockdown working on pipping right now. I will let you know how it turns out.
Are you a science teacher or teacher that could incorporate hatching eggs in for lesson plans?  I've thought of sending a school wide email at my school to see if any science teachers, the EER teacher or special ed teacher would like to do a unit with my incubator and hatching eggs. 


I am actually a high school Special Ed teacher :) Our principal is pretty lenient on some things, but not animals in the classroom. The only animals allowed are fish :/
Oh goodness! It's a wonder these guys live at all...they need to have a medical degree just get out of their own shell. So glad we humans don't have to literally claw our way into the world...Especially since I gave birth twice, LOL!
I pumped up the humidity and snatched the 3 Welsummer eggs that were closest to me. *Sigh* The first one must have died some time ago. The shell was only half filled and flat and the inner membrane was dry as a bone. The 2nd one must have died around lockdown as it looked fully formed but there was a dark red blood spot pooled in the center and along the edges. The 3rd one though had no movement, couldn't see an internal pip, still was super careful as I checked it. Good thing too - ALIVE!! I think its malpositioned but is ok. Just the very tip of its beak was poking into the air cell and he looks shrink wrapped in there like that was the best he could do. I gently dabbed a little coconut oil on the membrane so I can view the status of his veining through the window in case he is in trouble later and needs help to get out. I am pretty sure at least 3 others are dead that already were marked with a "?" when I candled on day 18. But the darn eggs are so dark I can't tell much except where the air cells are. And a couple have crazy saddle cells that go down the whole side of the egg. Ugh - I need a drink! Going to be a long couple of nights again isn't it?
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So I just candled tonight and it's getting really dark in there and I'm barely seeing any movement. Yesterday I saw a lot. But today not so much. It was hard to see any movement and any I did see it was prob wishful thinking. Not sure... Does their movement slow down as the days progress?

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