August Hatch-A-Long!

Quote: oh and she's just gorgeous!! sweet baby!
I have 5 shipped eggs under a broody hen
5 days left till day 21 do you think that they will hatch I want at least 1 or I will be so disappointed
They are buff Orpingtons if that makes a difference

WELL...if they are fertile and a chicky grew inside then when they're ready to see the world they will hatch lol....I'm joking with you! I know how anxious you feel! I don't have anything hatching for the next few days and I'm in withdrawls!! \

have you candled them?

I candled a few of them but i couldnt really see that well althou on 1 of them half of the egg was dark do you think that was the chick
the broody hen is vicious and try's to bite me when I take her eggs
I have 5 shipped eggs under a broody hen
5 days left till day 21 do you think that they will hatch I want at least 1 or I will be so disappointed
They are buff Orpingtons if that makes a difference

I have eggs under two broodies right now--should hatch the 17th. Two of the eggs are marked BO, so I'm guess that's Buff Orpington :)

Good luck!!
This is my last hatch of the year, I put 46 eggs (14 shipped BCM) in the incubator and only 22 total are viable at day 14 :( Only 8 of the BCM have made it this far , some were clears and the other couple look like early death. The air cells were so wonky, some are saddle shaped. This is my first try with shipped eggs, but I know they usually don't have great hatch rates. I am REALLY disappointed in my batch of EExRSL , they are from my favorite rooster that I gave to my soon to be mother in law, I set 16 pullet eggs and only 4 have made it. So many were clear! I want to cry , I want a chick out of him so bad! My last hatch, I set 12 of his eggs and not a single one hatched! Most had made it to lockdown. Grrr, I also have a new EE too that is obviously NOT doing his job, only 10 of his eggs made it so far.
she is a he this morning. She is getting a lot stronger. peeping for the others.
my wyandottes, EEs and leghorns in the other bator are hatching a day early. must be 8 or 9 chicks in there...
My little homegrown chick hatched out at about 3:30 am. She is drying and relaxing in the bator right now. I will try to attach a pic but have been having such a hard time doing that with my iPad.

She is all black except a tuft of light color on top of her head, at the tip of each wing, and on her butt. She is not dry yet so those coloring s may change a bit as she fluffs up. Her upper beak is black and lower is a pinkish color. Interesting. She is from my young Barred Rock cockerel and my Red Sexlink hen.

If you think a cockerel at 13 weeks is not old enough to be fertile, she is proof that he is! He only attempted to crow this weekend twice and he is now 16 weeks old, so crowing isn't an indicator either.

Oh I give is a link to the pic that won't post...
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