August Hatch-A-Long!

Our hatch date is the 19th, so I'll be here cheering for your peeps on the 15th
Thank you! I'm so nervous... so many horror stories
Loads of people are hatching on the 15th!

For me, looks like the 30th!
Anyone else hatching around then?

The day has arrived for me to set my eggs!
22 eggs set

2 bators - 13 eggs in one, 9 in the other

6 X Cream Legbar
6 X Lavender Orpington
4 X Buff Orpington
6 X Welsummer

2 of my Buff Orpington eggs didn't look up to scratch and since I didn't have enough room
I decided they had to go

Still! Day 1 is here and I'll be posting updates - there are some beautiful eggs in there

My 3 chickies are doing well, all of them full of energy and steadily growing - they are
just over 2 weeks old now, and have moved into the old pig sty to live for a few weeks

Wish me luck!

ps. This topic is getting very busy! I will make my own topic and cheer on all around here still :)
Well both I think - they were definitely malpositioned - feet over head etc. But the 2 hadn't fully absorbed the yolk - but I don't think they were going to no matter how long I waited. The first one looked ok with just a small opening in the navel still but just started gasping and died. The second one still after 3 days of absorbing has made no progress. When she was in the egg the sack was wrapped around her leg and cut off from the rest of her body - i am beginning to suspect that internally it might somehow be detatched so that she can't absorb it??? The first two from my own eggs that were sideways with head over wing and foot over head are fine.

18 Breda eggs arrived today for batch 4 and I am just staring at them like "don't you dare put me through this again". They were packed loose and all settled with the air cells down
Not expecting much.... sigh. Same way my Barred Rocks were packed - and only 3 of those 14 look to be developing.
The one with the yolk not absored, is it eating, drinking and pooping? If it still hasn't aborbed after 3 day from hatch, does the chick still need it?

To everyone else out there with many hatches under their belt, could she tie a piece of thread around it close to the body and slowly tighten it? I DON'T KNOW, I AM ASKING.
Stops the blood supply. It should shrivel and fall off. I know this works for a lot of stuff hanging from the body. If the chick can't live with it, then maybe as a last chance effort? What do you think?

this morning and last nights picture think she/he will make it. it is a legbar girl or boy. At first I thought girl than boy now girl?????????

shoot good picture didn't take. I'll try again

Just love those bantam crosses.
I have cochin bantams and they are so cute.
They will hatch around the 28 th ,.. again They are very fertile little guys.
these legbars have been a challege to me. best hatch I have had all summer 7 out of 14 eggs. Will egg topsy tonight. To see what went on with the rest of the eggs.
My EEs had fertility issues about 40% won't be fertile. have 5 to check out tonight.
I try not to open bator after lock down. I get sticky chicks if I do. Have to sit on my hands a lot so I will not open it. I think some chicks just are mean to live no matter what you do.
See all the pictures of chicks in eggs are very interesting. Make me wonder what day they were on in developement.

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