August Hatch-A-Long!

this morning and last nights picture think she/he will make it. it is a legbar girl or boy. At first I thought girl than boy now girl?????????

Oh my goodness what a difference! Those poor thing really have it tough!

I have my first two pips today and one is peeping - both extra large EE eggs. I am so glad you posted these pictures so I will know what to expect. I have 19 eggs in my Brinsea 20 but it looks kinda crowded. When can you take the chicks out and put them in the brooder? This is my first time hatching.

Kelso, WA.
Guess what??? Somehow the post office was able to make up the lost day due to weather in MO and my Silkie babies arrived in our post office today!!! It appears they took a plane ride because there is an airline sticker on the box.

The post master in our post office opened the box when they arrived and gave them a drink of water, figuring they were pretty thirsty sine they were born on Tuesday. Is that thoughtful or what? I will have to post pictures later when I am at my desktop because for some reason I can't embed images anymore with my iPad...I could before so this is weird. Maybe I will try to embed a video...lets see.

Anyway, I ordered 15 and they sent 18 in case some died. All were alive. Very thirsty (they drank over an ounce of electrolyte water in the first hour) and hungry too, but so far all alive. They are so tiny! I put my newborn homegrown chick in the brooder at the same time because she is so small, the size of a 3 day old bantam silkie, lol. She blends right in with them.

I am in baby chick heaven!

Oh, I also candled my Catdance silkie eggs and two more homegrowns. I had 7 silkies that did not develop and 3 silkies that have a blood ring, the other 8 silkies and homegrowns have now all been moved to the Brinsea where they will finish out their time until their due date on the 21st.

Now I have big time crusty butt patrol to do, then the hubby and I are going out for a romantic is out 10th Anniversary! Hope all your hatches go well tonight and all sick babies are feeling better

Those are ADORABLE! CONGRATS on your 10 year anniversary! My husband and I had ours in February. Love him more and more each year! :)

I have an incubator I use just for lockdown. But since I had so many temp issues and the hatches are taking days, I have to open to add eggs or remover chicks. I am trying to be quick and infrequent. I have a bottle of warm that I mist in to help but is there a better way? Is a way to maybe save ones that might have strated drying before pipping? Would misting help or hurt? Once these eggs that were stunted hatch, I am using a different incubator for hatching. Also, the timing should be ok by then. But the last few in there now, can I do anything?
The one with the yolk not absored, is it eating, drinking and pooping? If it still hasn't aborbed after 3 day from hatch, does the chick still need it? To everyone else out there with many hatches under their belt, could she tie a piece of thread around it close to the body and slowly tighten it? I DON'T KNOW, I AM ASKING. Stops the blood supply. It should shrivel and fall off. I know this works for a lot of stuff hanging from the body. If the chick can't live with it, then maybe as a last chance effort? What do you think?
She is still in the hatcher just laying there. I tried giving her liquid yolk with viatmins and I tried sugar water. She just got annoyed. She seems very weak and getting weaker. By 3 days I mean since she pipped. Normally once they pip they have absorbed within 24 hours if I understand correctly. She didn't come out of the shell till yesterday though, and then sat all night and today in the hatcher. ETA: Clearly something else is also going on too with these chicks since 2 of the other ones died in the process of hatching doing the gasping thing.
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I have an incubator I use just for lockdown. But since I had so many temp issues and the hatches are taking days, I have to open to add eggs or remover chicks. I am trying to be quick and infrequent. I have a bottle of warm that I mist in to help but is there a better way? Is a way to maybe save ones that might have strated drying before pipping? Would misting help or hurt? Once these eggs that were stunted hatch, I am using a different incubator for hatching. Also, the timing should be ok by then. But the last few in there now, can I do anything?
I put a blob of moist paper towel in the incubator

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